khuli loaches/albino cories


Jun 14, 2004
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In a 10 gallon. How many, if any loaches/cories can I keep with a DP. Either or, don't think I can keep them both as 10 gal. footstep isn't so big. Tank's heavily planted too.
urm for the people that can't enage there brain (me) whats a DP?

Depdning on what it is I think 4 of each would do nicely.
DP = Dwarf Puffer

And I say you can not keep either in a tank with Puffers ... simple said, the puffer will shred them to pieces. Heavily planted or not, sooner or later they will meet eachother, and the puffer will not take it nicely on them. Sorry

You could probably however, pull off having 2 dwarf puffers in a heavily planted tank. But it really depends on their personality ... some are ok with another puffer in their tank, some aint
Duh :rolleyes:...that changes the whole story.

Best to keep them on there lonesome really same goes for most puffers apart from a plec as there hard as old boots but there's not too many plecs that would like you for putting them in a 10 gallon.
Thanks for all the advice people. paul_v_biker, what did you think a DP was in your first post? And I can keep 4 cories/khulis in a 10 gal? W/o the DP of course.

And yea, I'd think the only plec you could keep in a 10 gal would be a clown pleco or a zebra pleco, but I could be mistaken. And it'd be a waste to keep a fish as nice as the zebra pleco in a small 10 gal. I read they need to be in groups of 3 at least, so I guess the only catfish you could fit in a 10 gal would be otos.
I think it will depend on what corries you'll use. If you're gonna go for pygmies or panda corydoras, I think you'll be able to pull off 4 corries + 3ish kuhli loaches ... I dont think I'd really go for bigger corries in that tank, but thats up to you :)
I didn't have a clue :lol: !! my brain just wasn't working!!

if you went without the puffer I would have the formentioned cories and loachs then maybe 6 nice tetras. make a descent shoal in that size tank.
Nah. Want something different in this tank paul_v_biker. I think I'm just going to go with a DP and maybe a mystery snail or two. :hey: And I think I'll buy some glass(ghost?) shrimp, 10 for a dollar something here at the lfs, just hope they won't get eaten up TOO quickly. Do you all think that's a good idea?
Erised said:
I think it will depend on what corries you'll use. If you're gonna go for pygmies or panda corydoras, I think you'll be able to pull off 4 corries + 3ish kuhli loaches ... I dont think I'd really go for bigger corries in that tank, but thats up to you :)
Ah, it's a pity the only cories I can find at my lfs are the normal(?) cories and the albino ones. But thanks for the suggestions tho'. :)

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