Fish Fanatic
So I bought 2 khuli loaches (was planning on getting 6, but they sold out) and it has been one day since I put them in the tank... one of the Khulis is active and enjoys swimming around the second Khuli I have seen since last night, he doesn't come out and I don't even know where he is hiding. Should I be worried about this behavior? My local fish dealer is getting a shipment of Khuli's this week so I should be able to get more, but i'm worried because I cannot find him. I'm at the point that I'm thinking of just pulling out all of the ornaments until I find him in one, it's stressing me out but I have decided to see if he would come out for feeding or whenever I turn the lights off. If he doesn't then i'm just going to have to look for him, because I don't have any fish that could possibly hurt him/ eat him, so I don't know what happened to him he just started hiding. I know that Khuli loaches need more members so they could play and stuff and that's probably why he is hiding but it doesn't make sense... one of the Khuli's is swimming around finding new rest spots and stuff, and the other went hiding in some unknown place. If you need my water parameters and species names in my tank here they are,
36 gallon tank: pH-7.8, soft water, Tank is fully cycled. I do weekly 25% water changes.
Plants: Anubias nana, Amazon Sword, Java Fern, Banana plants, Rotala Indica, Cabomba.
Fish: 14 Neon Tetras, 1 SAE, 6 Zebra Danios, 2 Boesemani Rainows (male/female), 1 Flame Gourami (he is the most peaceful fish in the world), and 2 Khuli loaches...
36 gallon tank: pH-7.8, soft water, Tank is fully cycled. I do weekly 25% water changes.
Plants: Anubias nana, Amazon Sword, Java Fern, Banana plants, Rotala Indica, Cabomba.
Fish: 14 Neon Tetras, 1 SAE, 6 Zebra Danios, 2 Boesemani Rainows (male/female), 1 Flame Gourami (he is the most peaceful fish in the world), and 2 Khuli loaches...