Khuli Loach


Fish Fanatic
Jul 10, 2005
Reaction score
Minneapolis MN
I just purchased a new Striped khuli from the LFS today, to go with my 2 black khulis. This evening, As he was swimming around the side of the tank i noticed he had a bright red spot Just behind the hed. It didnt appear to be like a skin coloration, more of a glow, like when you put a flashlight behind your finger. I havent seen that red on any pictures I can find on the internet, and was just curious if its normal or something that i should be keeping an eye on. he doesnt appear to be sick or anything, and adapted very quickly to the tank.


(I can get a pic if you need one, but my camera isnt that good and hes really really small )
It's normal for most Kuhlis. Oddly most of the pictures I've seen have the redness around the gills. It goes away with age. All of mine as far as I can tell (when they deem to come out in the open) have it and I've had them going on 11 months now.

I assume your tank is well established and none of the other fish are having troubles though? Sometimes redness can be irritation in the gills for fish.
Yea the tank has been up and running for about a month (After cycling).

Current and Final tankmates are:

4 Harlequin Rasboras
1 Male Dwarf Gourami
2 Black Khuli Loaches

All of the fish seem to be doing very well, and hes swimming around quite normally, just wanted to be safe.



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