Khuli Loach Tank Size


Jan 28, 2006
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Just wondering what the minimum tank size would be. Thanks. :)
That's what I have. I wanted to get a khuli loach with perhaps 6 harlequin rasboras or some guppies. No actual clue with what I'll get, but of course I'll check here before I do.

Thanks alot
The rasboras or guppies would make nice additions, and loach would be ok in the 10.

Have you considered sand as a substrate (if you don't have it and if you want a loach, which would like the sand).
That's what I have. I wanted to get a khuli loach with perhaps 6 harlequin rasboras or some guppies. No actual clue with what I'll get, but of course I'll check here before I do.

Thanks alot

How many Khuli Loaches do you plan on getting? If you get just one, then you will probably never see it. They like to be in groups of at least 4, but a group of 6 or more is ideal. Harlequin Rasboras are a cool fish and very active when kept in a large school. I have 10 right now and they really stand out in the tank.
As they are fairly low waste producers, I would also say 10 gallon minumum but you'd need four at least - with no other bottom dwellers, apart from shrimp perhaps - as you'd be pretty much stocked and could just add a couple of mid/top dwellers.
I have 6 Kuhlis and an unidentified "shrimpy" loach (Acanthocobitis of some species) in a 10g and they do fine. Rarely see them except for the occasional outing late at night. Just be warned you may go months or even years without seeing your Kuhlis, depending on their personality.
That's absolutely nuts. It's ok though. I was thinking 4 Khuli Loaches and 6 Rasboras. Or would that be overstocked?

I am going to plant my tank, maybe heavily. I will be using sand too.
For the fish that you plan to stock, I say that would be fine :good: Planting heavily will definitely help too :)

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