Khuli Loach Corkscrewing


Fish Aficionado
Jan 23, 2007
Reaction score
South Carolina
We just got 2 khuli loaches from the petstore today (we're planning on getting more so don't worry about the number of them). And one of them looks like it has greenish looking eggs? stuck to it's butt. It's also swimming around all over the place and corkscrewing when it gets at the bottom. Not sure if it's trying to get whatever is on it off, but I'm a bit worried since when it starts turning it will stay on it's back for a little bit like it's dead.
What on earth is it doing? Are there eggs stuck to it's bum and it's trying to unstick them or something?
It seemed totally fine in the bag while I acclimated them. Was fine for a few hours and now.. it's doing this.
Can't find anything about green eggs anywhere, are you sure they aren't baby snails munching away?
Sorry, i only know hillstream butterfly loaches so couldn't tell you if its species specific....
Didn't look like snails... I'll have to take a closer look at it.

EDIT: Couldn't see it anywhere... least I don't think I did. I saw one of them, but whether it was the one that I was talking about or not.. *shrugs*
Get googling mate, search 'kuhli loach green eggs' they are little loaches to be.....
But they are supposed to float :X

Get googling mate, search 'kuhli loach green eggs' they are little loaches to be.....
But they are supposed to float :X
Got any plantation? Apparently they stick their eggs to floating plants...
Lots of plants but none that are floating.
I don't think I've seen it anywhere. It's probably up under the fake log... hopefully just chilling. I keep seeing one of the khulis out and about though so I hope the other one is ok as well.

Bleh dangit.. keep spelling it wrong! lol
Well bad news.. that kuhli loach died :(
Not sure what went wrong. Maybe the LPS guy did injure it, or maybe it was just too stressed from the move *shrugs*
Poor thing though.
I kept seeing the other kuhli around the tank so was a bit worried. Moved the fake log and there the other one was, dead :(
It still had 2 eggs clinging to it... *shrugs* Dunno why it would be releasing eggs though. It didn't look eggy or anything.
Sorry for your losses, that begins to feel more and more insincere the more i say it but honestly, sorry....
Did you google as i suggested, certainly sounded like eggs :dunno:
Yeah I did. Saw some articles saying they have green floating eggs and floating plants would be ideal to have for them.
Well unfortunatly though, the other kuhli has now died.
I think the fake log is a death trap. B/c it was totally fine earlier. It was trying to dig in the gravel, but unsuccessful and I guess it found a spot under the log to go into. I was worried since the other had been found dead up under the log and lo-and behold... there the remaining one was dead.
I don't know what happened. One min fine, next min.. pffftt.
Fiance still wants to get more kuhli's... so I guess we could bury the log a bit more so they can't get up under it or something.
If Kuhlis are "corkscrewing", they are very stressed and usually don't survive. If you see even one doing this that is in a tank with a bunch more at your LFS, DON'T BUY THEM! I learned this the hard way. I bought 12, and noticed that one was "corkscrewing" while the lady was removing them from the tank. I didn't get that one, and later on that day it was dead. I only have 2 left out of that batch of 12. I don't know if that is a mating ritual, but my experience is that it is not a good sign. Kuhlis do make green eggs and usually deposit them on plants.
If Kuhlis are "corkscrewing", they are very stressed and usually don't survive. If you see even one doing this that is in a tank with a bunch more at your LFS, DON'T BUY THEM! I learned this the hard way. I bought 12, and noticed that one was "corkscrewing" while the lady was removing them from the tank. I didn't get that one, and later on that day it was dead. I only have 2 left out of that batch of 12. I don't know if that is a mating ritual, but my experience is that it is not a good sign. Kuhlis do make green eggs and usually deposit them on plants.

Yeah I'm thinking now we shouldn't have gotten them. Well obviously since they both died :(
I know fiance has his heart set on getting more though. So I hope the next batch that the LPS gets are in better health and tht someone who isn't going to smoosh the poor things catches them for us.
what exactly is corkscrewing becuase im going to get some soon
swimming forward while the body rotates, like a corkscrew
they kinda swim very forcibly along while twisting their body, around where the sand and glass met at the bottom for me

if your fish do it youll most likely recognize it

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