Keyhole Cichlid?


New Member
Dec 24, 2008
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Okay, first I'm wondering: Does your local/semi-local fish store carry Keyhole Cichlid? PetSmart and Pet Supply and so forth. Of coarse it'll be different for everyone, seeing as every store is going to have different fish in stock ... But I'm wondering just generally. So far I've been to three different stores (although there are two or three place left that I haven't had a chance to check yet) and I haven't seen any? I'd like to purchase one, but I'd prefer not to have to order it.
So yeah. Just looking to find out if this is something that's commonly stocked ...?

The other thing I'm wondering is if it'd be alright to house one in a community tank that includes a Betta? I've been reading about these Keyhole Cichlids for weeks, and so far I've gotten really good feedback concerning how peaceful they are, but no one has really mentioned anything about Betta compatibility. This is a very peaceful male Betta, mind you. I already know he does good in a community.
So, would that possibly be a conflict, or no?

Thank you.
I really appreciate any advice/answers.
There nice and fairly shy so will need plenty of plant cover and caves ect.
keyholes are nice and seen them a few times in shops, however I'm really not sure about the betta, personally I wouldnt put them together.
Plus they need to be kept in a pair in at least a 30 gallon (110 litre) tank
They need to be kept in a male and female pair, or just a two pair? I've never heard that before.
And yeah, I've got a 30 gallon.

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