Kept It Quiet Till Wrigglers!


Fish Crazy
Aug 18, 2005
Reaction score
Doncaster UK

After my recent bout of fungus, I decided to keep this spawn under my hat till I had wrigglers!

So nuff talking here they are:



In love.... :wub:

The embrace

the fry

Aww, ickle babies! :wub:

The male is now out and the majority are free swimming.
The parents are fantastic, I can't wait to see how the babies will turn out!! :hyper:
You're the one with that gorgeous MG copper pair! I was trying to show my friend which color I've been dying to get and I couldn't find any pictures!
And now there's babies! Gosh, this gets better and better!

Congrats, keep us up dated!!!! :nod:
very nice V
finally somebody in the uk that i can beg some babies off :lol: :hey:

Hehhe me too, I need them to quality check to make sure they haven't been raised anywhere near nuclear waste, we can't be having glow in the dark bettas now, can we?
So, whats your excuse ? :lol:
He he.

I guess it must be the nuclear powerstation outside the backdoor. :D

No -seriously, this pair are only that shiney when they see each other..... It's lovely to watch... :wub:

The spawn was in a 7g.

Lost two fry from what i could see....

Looks to be about 50 offspring.
I've lost a few but thats inevitable i think, there are still too many to count!

I'm feeding liquifry at this stage.

They are growing at an alarming rate!

I've added two malaysian trumpet snails as clean up crew seeing as the tank floor was looking a bit icky..... :/
Well it's been almost a week since the actuall spawn took place. Yesterday I added an inch of fresh water, dechlorinated and including blackwater. The fry seem much happier now, swimming around more, no more fatalities.

The insuforia is now visible thanks to the liquifry, you can see little creatures whizzing around all over the place. :)

The trumpet snails i added are doing a mega job of cleaning the bottom, pulling all the bits together so that when i start using the turkey baster i can get the grime easially.

All in all I'm really pleased. I'd estimat 30 fry at this time, a good managable number.

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