Kenyi Question


New Member
Oct 19, 2005
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I have a tank with some kenyi chiclids. They seem to be breeding each month, but by the time i notice them i can usually save one or two and put them in my quarentine tank. Until last month, i noticed 12 of them and saved them all.
Since I'm fairly new to chiclids ( have had them about a year now). I didn't know the sex of the yellow and blue ones because my two LFS told me the opposite. So i'm guessing the yellow ones are the males.

My question is this, are the males always protective of the babies. My large male will not let the other kenyi near the babies. I've noticed this the past 6 months each time the babies are born.
ahhhh kenyi's great arent they? well to set you straight the males are yellow and the females are blue. I havent know a male to protect the babies for i always see that the female is holding and i take her out. You ma know this but holding females have many signs of hold. 1 they have a bump in the throat thats the eggs, 2 they wont eat, 3 they usually dont swim around too much they tend to stay in one area sometimes, and 4 do to not eating females stomachs are a little sucken in.

About that male kenyi though??? I have some males who will protect and others dont care they just bang bang the female then go on with their business. So to answer question some males are protective and others arent DONT PUT BREEDING JEWEL CICHLIDS WITH ANY OTHER CICHLIDS!!!! They are the MOST protective of their babies they wont think twice to chase and kill a hungry fish ask me how i know :no:

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