Ken Died :(


Dec 26, 2007
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Leeds, UK
One of my Corys died today, which is quite sad :(

I'm not sure what it is that's done it, i did notice one of his eyes was more bulged out than the other though if that means anything to anyone?

Parameters are all fine, he's fed up well and also lived happily as a group with 5 other corys.

When i found him, he was slow, lethargic and pale. As i said too one of his eyes was bloated.

Any help would be really appreciated!

I am so sorry about your Cory. :(

Normally the first assumption for a bulging eye is called popeye. It is caused by a bacterial infection. Bacteria can be present in perfect water conditions. It can result from poor water conditions and a weakened immune system, but it can also be the result of bacteria in the substrate or a filter that need maintenance, etc. Food and other biologicals will deteriorate and desease bacteria will feed on them. What was once a stay bacteria of potential hazard will multiply and become a mob. Then the fish will fight the potential infection with their immune systems. But just like any desease bacteria it can overcome the immune system and the fish will become weakened. Usually healthy fish can resist infection, but they can be weakened and overcome for a variety of causes.

What kind of substrate do you have? What is the fish load in the tank? (the number of fish and their size vs the size of the tank. What kind of decore do you have? What are the tank mates?

Stress, whether physical or psycho/emotional is the biggest immune reducer. Tank mates that cause a sense of threat, lack of cover, overcrowding, leftover food that falls into a gravel substrate and rots, filter media that is leaching contaminants are all potential sources of stress.

Corys are a bottom fish and spend lots of time searxching the substrate for tidbits of food. It is one of the first sources of bacterial infection for a Cory. So the question arises, Are you vacuming the substrate? Are the Corys on gravel?
I am so sorry about your Cory. :(

Normally the first assumption for a bulging eye is called popeye. It is caused by a bacterial infection. Bacteria can be present in perfect water conditions. It can result from poor water conditions and a weakened immune system, but it can also be the result of bacteria in the substrate or a filter that need maintenance, etc. Food and other biologicals will deteriorate and desease bacteria will feed on them. What was once a stay bacteria of potential hazard will multiply and become a mob. Then the fish will fight the potential infection with their immune systems. But just like any desease bacteria it can overcome the immune system and the fish will become weakened. Usually healthy fish can resist infection, but they can be weakened and overcome for a variety of causes.

What kind of substrate do you have? What is the fish load in the tank? (the number of fish and their size vs the size of the tank. What kind of decore do you have? What are the tank mates?

Stress, whether physical or psycho/emotional is the biggest immune reducer. Tank mates that cause a sense of threat, lack of cover, overcrowding, leftover food that falls into a gravel substrate and rots, filter media that is leaching contaminants are all potential sources of stress.

Corys are a bottom fish and spend lots of time searxching the substrate for tidbits of food. It is one of the first sources of bacterial infection for a Cory. So the question arises, Are you vacuming the substrate? Are the Corys on gravel?

Thanks for that reply.

Ok basically.. here's the setup-

Jewel70 aquarium with built in filter. Inside the tank i have a black sand substrate, the decor consists of one large piece of driftwood and various rocks in a stack/cave i created. Also, live plants around 12 of them plus a small moss growing on my rock.

Earlier today i noticed 4 of my Neon tetras had neon tetra disease... so i took the decision to euphanise them this evening, so now my stock has slightly changed... here it is-

1 male dwarf gourami (3cm)
1 Male Pearl gourami (5cm)
5 black widow tetras (all around 3cm)
4 Neon Tetra
8 Harlequin Rasbora
5 Corys (dwarf)

I could be very wrong... but i'm assuming this cory problem is related to the tetra disease? (not sure if they can catch it)

Besides that i have a few snails and a tiny tiny tiny little algae eater to which i forget the name of lol, but i'm assured it doesn't grow bigger than 5cm.

Food wise, i feed a combo of flakes and frozen food, i.e daphnia, bloodworm, shrimp etc etc

Now, since this problem tonight i've totally cleaned out the tank, took the water to around 30% and did a big gravel vac, also removed any dead plant stalks etc which were embedded behind the driftwood. I usually vac though around once a week minimum!

Hope that's ok!
Neon Tetra Desease is one of those debated deals. I don't know the latest research now. But there are different opinions and some old wives tales.

Most likely there is a connection. I would not want to take over the treatment of the tank. Keeping the bacterial load low is important, though. That is done by frequent small water changes when the tank is not being treated with meds.

Are the dwarf Corys like habrosus or something? They can be more sensitive than some--often the smaller fish are it seems to me. Your small algae eater may be an oto/otocinclus species.

It sounds like a nice tank. Do any of the fish seem competative with the Corys? You will notice those kind of things when you are sitting quietly watching for a long period and after feeding.

Are there any other fish with symptoms? Were any fish new and not quarantined?

Since you are in the UK, you might want to stop by and chat with Wilder in the Emergency forum.

But at this point lacking any other symptoms it would probably be best to just watch the tank and keep it clean.

I am kind of thinking out loud here as I ruminate. How old is the tank set up?

Reading some of the other posts, I am concerned that your fish are under stress.
Neon Tetra Desease is one of those debated deals. I don't know the latest research now. But there are different opinions and some old wives tales.

Most likely there is a connection. I would not want to take over the treatment of the tank. Keeping the bacterial load low is important, though. That is done by frequent small water changes when the tank is not being treated with meds.

Are the dwarf Corys like habrosus or something? They can be more sensitive than some--often the smaller fish are it seems to me. Your small algae eater may be an oto/otocinclus species.

It sounds like a nice tank. Do any of the fish seem competative with the Corys? You will notice those kind of things when you are sitting quietly watching for a long period and after feeding.

Are there any other fish with symptoms? Were any fish new and not quarantined?

Since you are in the UK, you might want to stop by and chat with Wilder in the Emergency forum.

But at this point lacking any other symptoms it would probably be best to just watch the tank and keep it clean.

I am kind of thinking out loud here as I ruminate. How old is the tank set up?

Reading some of the other posts, I am concerned that your fish are under stress.

Well on the note of bullying. harassing fish the only fish in that tank which i've seen bully is the dwarf gourami. But... he only bothers the black widows as i imagine they're a good match for his size... and even at that it's playful. I've never ever seen a fish even go near the corys they are practically left alone all the time.

There are no end of hiding places too, a large cave and bogwood to which the corys go under and also a large bottom area on which they shoal sometimes.

No other symptoms as yet. All fish have been quarantined and the last fish was added some 2 months ago, the setup being around 6 months old.
Then I can only offer as said before, keep it clean with small frequent water changes and watch closely for any signs.

Good luck. Hopefully the worst has passed. The trouble with the neons sounded suspiciously like columnaris.

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