One of my Corys died today, which is quite sad
I'm not sure what it is that's done it, i did notice one of his eyes was more bulged out than the other though if that means anything to anyone?
Parameters are all fine, he's fed up well and also lived happily as a group with 5 other corys.
When i found him, he was slow, lethargic and pale. As i said too one of his eyes was bloated.
Any help would be really appreciated!
I'm not sure what it is that's done it, i did notice one of his eyes was more bulged out than the other though if that means anything to anyone?
Parameters are all fine, he's fed up well and also lived happily as a group with 5 other corys.
When i found him, he was slow, lethargic and pale. As i said too one of his eyes was bloated.
Any help would be really appreciated!