Keeping Water Temperature The Same?


Fish Fanatic
Feb 23, 2007
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Up until now my tank has been a steady 78 degrees.I have just purchased a 48'' Coralife double linear srip with 4-65w lamps. I have a canopy so I was told I wouldn't need the mounting legs to rise up the strip. However now I cannot keep the temp at 78 keeps going to 80!. Should I just ditch the nice looking canopy and get the rising mounts for these lights? or is there a way to keep the canopy? I wasent even able to turn my lights on today.I only have the light on for 8 hours a day.

help always rocks from you guys!
Purchase a small power supply for a computer and hook up as many PC fans as you want. Thats what I plan on doing for my tank future lights.
If I took the canopy off and I rise the lights do you think it would solve my problem?

what temperatures are dangerous?

Thanks again!
Usually 82-83 starts becoming dangerous to corals. Fish can tolerate a little higher than that.
with out wanting to hi jack your thread but i have some fans and was sondering how i can wire up the fans to a pc supply thanks james.

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