Keeping Tiger barbs with otos...


Cheer up, the worst is yet to come. ~ P. Johnson
Jul 31, 2004
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The Netherlands/UK
Topic pretty much says all. I'm planning on getting some (6) (green) tiger barbs with my zebra danios (8) and my otos (4, soon to be 5) Will this combination be possible, yes or no?

Also, would I be able to add corries?
Hope this helps.

I have 3xTiger Barbs, 3xOto's, and 9x Long-finned Leopard Danio's in a 20G (UK), and they get along just fine.

Some would say I need more Tiger Barbs, in order for the companionship, but I've not found this to be the case. They're healthy and have actually grown and got on better with each other.

Might also add that there are also plenty of plants, bogwood and lava rock for them to hide from each other if the need ever arises.

hi there
we've kept reg danios, tiger barbs & corys with no problems with anyone annoying anyone else for 15 months & we've just added 2 otos and they are like all the other fish in our tank totally ignored by our barbs who are too busy playing & creating mischief amongst should be fine but tiger barbs do like to be in groups of 6 or more as it stops them harrassing their tankmates. im surprised your tigers havent had a nibble yet at your long finned danios flowing pretty fins - usually to hard for a naughty tiger to resist!!!!........we only have 5 at the moment cos sadly we lost one of our much loved green tigers a couple of weeks ago , but hopefully were going to add some more tigers v soon.
our tigers have never shown any interest in our peppered corys at all.
#good luck :D
This is from experience with my fishes. The Tiger Barbs, I've noticed, prefer to live in the spaces underneath/in-between my medium-sized plants' leaves. They're not much open water fishes, and as such, the LF Leapards have not been harassed. However, as I'm not in for most parts of the day, who's to say?

I think if the tank has enough private spaces for individual fishes to hide in, it may actually reduce the stress/tension that may exist when there is none. :)

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