Keeping The Water Clear


Fish Fanatic
Sep 5, 2006
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i have changed from gravel to sand and wondered wot to do....the bog wood...which has been in a bucket for almost a wk and been topped up with hot water regulery has turned the water yellow...arr again!!
also i know that the water needs to settle becos of the sand but it is still yello any ideas on wot to use to clear it??
some1 said a pet shop to use carbon in my filter but alll i can gather is that it will just get things sticking to it will this stop it from being yellow...also as i dont have instructions where in the filter do i put it...
right i have the outta case in that sits a cup with a sponge in it...should i put some under the sponge in the cup??
yes putting some carbon in the cup will filter out your yellow color.

i have asked the same question before on this forum. carbon will work, also putting boiling water on the wood will take a lot of the yellow. But after boiling my bogwood i got growth on it-its not harmful to fish but it dont look great-this growth will go after a month or three.

fish actually like the stained water however, and with weekly water changes it will not be that noticable
id put the wood in now, it wont do any harm.
hello :D
ok have been and got the carbon popped it in and guess wot after an all night stay in my filter, it is still yellow :sad: :angry:
i just give up i even tried swapping to my old filter but i have a feeling i last used that on my bigger tank as the amount of bubbles coming from it is unbelieveable and even tho the fish seem "happy" enough swimming against the flow it is also obvious that they r struggling to keep upright and seem as if they are being knocked of their fins so to speak lol....

anybosy else knows wot to do?? i give in...
I added new bogwood. I had it in a bucket for a month before all the tanning came out. I also changed the water in the bucket every 4-5 days. The advise I got was just leave it soaking until the tanning comes out. There isn't a fixed soak time.

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