Keeping Panda Corys


Married Lizard
Oct 8, 2003
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Residing in a big city in Minnesota, but I'm a cou

As many of you know, I am rather fond of Panda Corys :) :wub: However, I cannot seem to keep 'em alive, save for the one I've had for a long time. I've probably gone through four or six of 'em in the last few months :(

The first one or two new ones from down here ended up with popeye in the first week I had 'em. All other fish in the tank, save for the other Panda Cory (who I suspect had dropsy, 'cause his tummy got all big - he lived) were just fine. I treated for popeye, with no luck (except for the one with dropsy) - the new one(s) died.

I got another little Panda Cory. Within a week or two, he had popeye <sigh> Separated him and treated him within hours of it appearing. He was dead within twelve hours. Again, all other fish were fine.

About two or three weeks ago, I got two more little Panda Corys. I was getting excited because they'd actually made it past the one week mark. Silly me. Found one dead probably a week or so ago - couldn't figure out why: he hadn't been acting sick or unusual, just found him dead. Was treating tank with Coppersafe at the time for suspected ich (fish scratching on the sand and such) and troubles with Oto (I think he just had a weak immune system - I finally separated him out and started treating him with Maracyn II, but he died). Also found a Pepper Cory dead, for no apparent reason, around the same time. Now this morning, my other "new" Panda Cory was having troubles swimming - he'd try to swim and just end up rolling and sommersasulting around. Within a few hours, he was dead. Didn't see any signs of infection or parasites or the like with him, either. All other fish in the tank are fine - all eating well, acting normally. The Peppers spawned again, so they can't be feeling too badly, eh? ;) Kuhlis and Neons are doing well, as is "Baby Fishy" (a Guppy?), as are the rest of the Pepper Corys.

All of the Corys were purchased from the same story - Peppers and Pandas. Actually, I think all of the fish in the tank are from the same store. Perhaps the breeder of the Panda Corys has an inbred or weak line? That's about the only reason I can come up with. Mayhaps I should get Pandas elsewhere? They're a couple dollars more expensive elsewhere, and this shop is one of the better ones around, but maybe they just don't have a good Panda Cory line.

The tank is a 29-gallon with sand substrate and a fair number of live plants. Residents are 13 Neons, two Kuhlis, Three Pepper Corys, One Panda Cory, and an unidentified baby fish (thought to be a Guppy - got in the net with the Neons at the lfs). I do water changes at least once a week. Temp has been around 80* for the last week or so.

Maybe when I go up to Duluth next time, I'll get a couple of Panda Corys there. That's where I got my other one that I've had for so long.

Any suggestions or comments are welcome. Thanks, everyone!

aka Married Lizard :wub:
Oh what bad luck!! :( :( That must be so so stressful for you! :-( :-( :-( :-(
When I was reading that I was starting to think about the store you have bought them from....maybe try a different lfs? But then again why didnt they die at the shop and only in your tank?
When you were treating the ich did you use half dosage? That could be one reason....but if the peppers are spawing?? :dunno:
So its only the Pandas......I say try another shop and see how you go!
MissClaire said:
Oh what bad luck!! :( :( That must be so so stressful for you! :-( :-( :-( :-(
When I was reading that I was starting to think about the store you have bought them from....maybe try a different lfs? But then again why didnt they die at the shop and only in your tank?
When you were treating the ich did you use half dosage? That could be one reason....but if the peppers are spawing?? :dunno:
So its only the Pandas......I say try another shop and see how you go!
I used a 3/4 dose of CopperSafe. The fish probably weren't at the lfs very long... The last two I got, I got the day they came in to the lfs - he transferred from their shipping bag into my bag so I could take 'em home.

Yep, I'm thinking of trying 'em from a different shop next time I get Pandas.

Thanks for the comments :)

aka Married Lizard :wub:
Yeah, I'd think of trying a different store too. Pandas are some of the most delicate cories, but they are still cories and are overall pretty hardy. I would think that if water quality was poor, the neons would be going down too.

I'd try the pandas from a different store.
I've had bad luck as well with panda cories. I initially purchased 4, and 2 died in 2 weeks, got them replaced (LFS gave warantee), then another one died, got that one replaced and now I have 4 of them that are living for about a year. Now they are super hardy - nothing would kill them but I have to admit, getting through the first couple of weeks were pretty tough...

I'm afraid there's no good answer on this one - I accepted that this is one of those species that dies easily when they are newly introduced (and young), similar to Neon and Cardinal Tetra...
It's angels that are giving me troubles, not my pandas or my neons :/
How clean is your substrate? As was mentioned, pandas are pretty sensitive, so maybe if the gravel was dirty they would be more prone to disease..doesnt sound all that likely though....i dunno.

Also, *everyone* disagrees with me on this, but I beleieve pandas do better in slightly cooler water. I keep mine at about 75..although I doubt that's to blame for all those deaths....

the possibility of weak stock sounds most plausible, I once bought three from a shop and two died within 24 horus, i bought six from a different shop a few weeks ago and they're all still with us....good luck with your future pandas :)
I was also gonna mention the temperature, planetcatfish says keep them at 20-25C.
clutterydrawer said:
How clean is your substrate? As was mentioned, pandas are pretty sensitive, so maybe if the gravel was dirty they would be more prone to disease..doesnt sound all that likely though....i dunno.

Also, *everyone* disagrees with me on this, but I beleieve pandas do better in slightly cooler water. I keep mine at about 75..although I doubt that's to blame for all those deaths....

the possibility of weak stock sounds most plausible, I once bought three from a shop and two died within 24 horus, i bought six from a different shop a few weeks ago and they're all still with us....good luck with your future pandas :)
My current 4 lives in a 25g with 3 bristlenose plecos. There's always alot of poo all over the place and these cories are doing just fine. I think if you can keep them live for a month or two, I think they will do ok for couple of years as long as there's no accident in your tank.

As for temperature I remember different cories liked different temperatures - I _think_ panda is one of those that liked somewhat warmer temperature. (I could be wrong - I am going with my pittyful memory).

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