Keeping other fish with betta


New Member
Feb 23, 2003
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I have a betta and am looking to expand my fish aquarium by adding a couple other types of fish. Can anyone suggest types that do or do not do good with bettas??? Any replies would be very helpful. . . .
It depends how agressive you betta is, and how aggressive your other fish are, that you are planning on buying. They should be Ok with most community fish, but it always depends. I had a betta, a gourami, and a molly in one tank. They were fine at first but the betta was getting more aggressive, and so I moved him to another tank.
Just remember not to mix males with males! :D
my bettas in a tank with 1 bala shark and some platies & glo-light tetras but one of the tetras just started nipping at his fins constantly and it was flipping him out but he wouldn't fight back because I think he felt out numbered ( I had to put the trouble maker in uhhhhm lets just call it solitairy confinement) so I wouldn't recommend them at all :no:
Hi, I have my betta in a community tankwith zebra danios, platies and sailfin mollies as the middle/top swimming fish and then lots of different "clean up" crews as bottom dwellers. The betta reigns supreme in the middle and top but leaves the bottom dwellers alone. Bettas like to think that they're the best looker in the tank and woe behold any that get too near him. As my tank is heavily planted, there are enough hiding places for the rest to keep out of his way, but, as has already been said, it depends on your betta and also, the size of your tank. If you have a small tank, then be careful as other male fish tend to be seen as competion expecially if they have flowing fins, such as male guppies. How about adding some bottom dwellers, cories prehaps. They are great little fish, do a good job at cleaning up the food that the betta lets drop. It's best to keep cories in a group of at least 4 and IMO no tank should be without them. Good luck and keep us posted as to what you decide and how you're getting on.
I'm going today to get the fish. I have a 10 gallon aquarium so I can't get alot of the fish I wanted. I am going to talk to the pet store guy and see what he recomends, since my betta has never had another fish in an aquarium with him, this should be interesting. I'll update you on what fish I get, and thanks for the advice! I hope I make the right choices :S

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