Keeping L Numbers With Discus And Clown Loach


Fish Crazy
Oct 16, 2006
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I keep struggling to keep plecs with my discus and trio of clown loach,I have had numerous fatalities already and have read that clown loaches can stress plecs. In fish shops I see plecs living in discus tanks and in tanks with lots of clown loach so I can't see where I am going wrong. What is the best L number to keep with these?
im my opinion plecs suffer when they aren#t target fed. they are hard to feed in a community and will starve if they do not get all the food

whjat plecs are you trying?

plus when I kept discus I found they all ended up sucking on the discus at some point
I am not too sure on the exact L numbers of the plecs I have tried,I had six young bristle noses that died one by one and a (striped Plec?)that looked a bit like a tiger.I paid a lot for I think L33s which were black with white spots but sadly these suffered the same fate.I have some algae in the tank and feed with plec wafers and have watched them feed originally then they lose their appitite have a sort of arched look don't bother hiding then die... :sad: I have lots of bogwood in the tank and all other fish are fine.
im in the same boat, ive got 3 clowns in my discus tank, and have trouble keeping plecs alive, ive had 3 plecs now and ive still got my common plec 3 years old now
i dont think its to do with clowns thou?
i always fort it was due to havin the temp at 30 deg
Why do I keep losing them any ideas?

I have some algae in the tank and feed with plec wafers

you previously said this is wot u feed them this all u were feeding them or did they have other things ? plecs need a varied diet and certain species arnt even out and out algae eaters and wont really touch algae wafer etc my L260's wont entertain eating most vegatbale matter but will scoff down meatier foods ( bloodworm,daphnia,prawns etc etc ) high temps and not eating correct and varied diet may well be your downfall.
They had lots of varied food frozen bloodworm and brine shrimp,and numerous different dried foods. Can you recommend a plec that will suit my tank and feed predominantly on algae as I have said I tried bristle noses but unfortunately lost them.I dont really want to buy any more that then die.
They had lots of varied food frozen bloodworm and brine shrimp,and numerous different dried foods. Can you recommend a plec that will suit my tank and feed predominantly on algae as I have said I tried bristle noses but unfortunately lost them.I dont really want to buy any more that then die.

no fish should be fed predominantly on algae, its not enough. if ur not having any luck with bn's then i dont recommend any asthese are easy to keep compared to most plecs. i wud say there maybe is an underlying problem.

what is your water stats?
My discus are constantly laying eggs and there are always fry (until they stray too far
and get eaten) so I know the water quality is good.I had read somewhere that clown loach
can upset plecs with their constant hustle and bustle is this true?
i havent had any trouble when i had clowns in my set up and i had a lot of plecs did you feed them with the lights out as they aint the best competititors for food and most are nocturnal i wont see my l114 come out from his bogwood unless its dark
Just bought a gold nugget plec that looked in great condition in the shop it had a good belly and the shopkeeper said it had been in the shop for weeks.Within days it was dead I cant believe it!!!! It cannot have starved in this time as it was fed after lights out all my other fish are really healthy and my discus are always breeding I just cant figure out why I can't keep any plec in this aquarium....GRRRRRR! :no:

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