Keeping Kribensis


Apr 5, 2006
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is it possible to keep two male or two female kribs in a 20 gallon long without them fighting and bickering, or the stronger one bullying the weaker one?
Nevr, and I mean never put 2 males in the same tank. I had two males in one 20 gallon and the stonger one had killed the weaker one in about 4 minutes. Youe can try 2 females, but it is best to get a pair.
One male to two females... plenty of hiding places ( territories ), etc...
i kept 8 mature males and 2 females together and they still are they occasoinally bicker but never to the death or anything as severe as that and a pair even bred and the babies are about 6-7 week old and still getting on ok thats in a 4 foot tank though but they have been together for about 4-5 month so i would say try all aquariums aren't the same but be prepared to split them up if they do cheers russ
I am a krib fanatic, and I think that I have had enough experince to say that, KRIBS DO NOT DO WELL 1 MALE TO 2 FEMALES BECAUSE THEY PAIR UP FOR LIFE AND DONT BREED BY HERIMS( spelled wrong)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am sorry if I was rude but, they just dont.
In a 20-gallon tank, you're much, much better off with a single pair than any other option. If you get a trio, two will pair off and harass the single female and probably kill her. Two males in a space that small, and the males will fight a lot (the females less so) and you'll end up with one dominant pair and one weak, frightened, unhealthy pair that never gets to eat properly and will probably eventually die from stress and malnutrition, if not from infections.
I would say no to two males as well in a 20 gallon. You wouldnt get away with two females in a 20 either I dont think as they can be territorial as well occassionally.
I would advise against a pair as well as they may kill the other fish in the tank.

I have 5 males and 1 female in a 34 gallon and they all know their place in the tank.

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