Keeping Guppies With Zebra Danios


Constantly learning
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Jul 9, 2009
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Surrey, England

As suggested HERE I was wondering if guppies and zebra danios can be kept together?

When the guppies were first introduced the danios chased them for 5mins, but then stopped. I haven't seen any fin damage and this morning they were eating together with no visible aggression.

Anyone had experience keeping these in the same tank? Am I likely to run into issues?
Ive kept them together in a 28g tank and there were no problems!

of course there may be exceptions but I for one see no problems in a tank that size¬
Ive kept them together in a 28g tank and there were no problems!

of course there may be exceptions but I for one see no problems in a tank that size¬

cool, how did they interact? At present the guppies are just sitting at the water surface and only using about a 10cm square area which they rarely move out of. Should I expect to see guppies all over the tank or is the top/surface their 'natural' home?
ive got zebra, albino, pearl and leopard danios in with my live bearers, all get on fine
It depends on tank size. I had 8 Danios with 4 guppies and they were fine in my 38 gal.
all the replies look promising, thanks!

Guppies are more active around the tank now, they seem to prefer the waters surface when the lights go out.
Never heard a problem.

But interested to hear why they prefer when the lights go out. Perhaps add floating plants?
Never heard a problem.

But interested to hear why they prefer when the lights go out. Perhaps add floating plants?

they seem to mainly inhabit the top 1/3 of the tank, occasionally verturing to the bottom 2/3. Think the danios might annoy them a bit, but no sings of aggression.
I had a 4ft tank with guppies and danios and had issues, as i think their shoal was too big, they nipped at everything

I have also had a second 4ft tank with fewer danios in and STILL had nipping probs

i wouldn't have them again as two bad issues is too much for me!

your guppies should swim around the whole of the tank, the fact that they dont move from their space means they dont feel safe to move until night when the danios go to rest

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