Keeping Fish And Working Full Time


Fish Fanatic
Jun 23, 2004
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Norfolk, UK

In the last couple of months ive started my first full time job and have suddenly found how little free time i now seem to have. Now my tank isnt that big (Aquaone 620) but i find it difficult to find the time to keep it clean. (or it could be im a bit lazy :rolleyes: ).

But what i wanted to say is i can now see the huge amount of time and effort that people have to put in to keep their huge tanks going. I always wanted a bigger tank but at the moment i dont think i could cope!!

When it comes to cleaning do you do it coz you want to or because its on your list of jobs and it has to be done?

Cheers everyone and well done lol
Well, obviously it's got to be done whether I happen to feel like it or not. As far as that goes, it ranks with cooking supper, getting the children up for school and a whole range of other jobs that may each feel inconvenient at the time. Having said that, I often find tank cleaning quite relaxing - and it's a great way of getting out of/putting off other less appealing jobs.
Not sure what you class as "huge" but my current one is a community (fairly heavily stocked) 100US gallons. It really takes me no more than around 15 minutes once a week to vac the sand and do a 30-40% water change. It's a low light planted tank (Java Fern only) and I only have the lights on for a few hours during the evening when I'm home. Hence practically no algae growth. Plus the fact that I have a few bristlenoses who keep any possible algae 100% at bay, I don't even need to clean my glass.

Easy Peasy :good: and as far as "do I do it because I like it or have to" - it's a "have to" but don't mind it. It's not that hard to stick a Python in, give it a quick whirl over the sand (to suck up the bit of poo that the filters didn't already suck up) and watch a bit of TV while the Python is sucking away. Then flick the switch, watch a few more minutes tv and the tank is full. A dash of water conditioner and Bob's your uncle :D

I can honestly say it's way easier to maintain this large tank than it's ever been with my smaller tanks.
I can honestly say it's way easier to maintain this large tank than it's ever been with my smaller tanks.

I found that when I had my larger tank a few years back - smaller tanks do tend to take more effort to keep clean, but once you are in the swing of doing them it's fine. You just need to find a new routine now you have a full time job (congratulations on that!)

In the last couple of months ive started my first full time job and have suddenly found how little free time i now seem to have. Now my tank isnt that big (Aquaone 620) but i find it difficult to find the time to keep it clean. (or it could be im a bit lazy :rolleyes: ).

But what i wanted to say is i can now see the huge amount of time and effort that people have to put in to keep their huge tanks going. I always wanted a bigger tank but at the moment i dont think i could cope!!

When it comes to cleaning do you do it coz you want to or because its on your list of jobs and it has to be done?

Cheers everyone and well done lol

Wuss! Just kidding. I work a full-time job plus a part-time job, and I keep 4 tanks. Most of the time I enjoy maintenance which takes a little under an hour each week, though sometimes it's a chore, especially when I'm working a bunch of overtime.
Once you get a system down it's not too bad. I work full time with OT often enough, and keep 20something tanks.
are these python things available in australia??? lol im still bucketing water from the bathroom. we are in strict water conditions here so i have to use all the water to water the gardens so each bucket has to be carried outside and emptied. i try and do it when my hubby is home but it still takes a while because of the hold up with the buckets. takes me about 45 minutes to do with 65gallon, 30 minutes to do the 45gallon, 30 minutes for the 24gallon and not long to do the smaller ones.

tis a chore for me although i do enjoy it at times just depends on my mood i guess
I go to school and have a part time job, I'm also a bit lazy :rolleyes: . So, all four of my tanks are cleaned every Wednesday no matter what, otherwise I would procrastinate and put it off.

Im a newbie at this and i have had a tank for just over two weeks, so you can probably disregard my comment but i love it, every night when i get home i do my water tests, check on my fish, do the water changes if i need to and then basically everything else comes second. I am still sitting watching my fish for hours and hours on end, I really love it at the minute. I have only got a small 45 litre tank (12 Us gallons i think) and i really really wish i had brought a bigger one. My next project is going to be a marine tank i think cause my other half wants really colourful fish ( i need a bit more experience first though).

Anyway i am sure you will fall into a routine with general maintenance like i will have to when the novalty wears off.

Good luck and congratulations (on the job)

I can't stop water changing!
I've got the two jobs one full time(54 hours 1 week, 40 the next) and one part time (8-12 hours a week). Overtime occasionally comes along, i did an 85 hour week not too long back...
Plus a pregnant gf so the vast majority of domestic responsibility. My 3 fish tanks are quite small, but after cycling fish in (not recommended but i'm new to fish) which involves a minimum of 2 25% water changes a day, i actually feel guilty when i don't do one; my 18 gall is water-changed every 2-3 days with an algae clean once a week. My hillstream tank has water changes daily and my minnow tank once a week (it has illnesses so i'm avoiding too many equipment sterilizations).....
It never ends but i just can't help myself.
I have a full time job, 3 kids (8 -16 years old) which means lots of weekend stuff too. I have 4 tanks and I still love cleaning them, it's a bit of "me" time I think, and I love the look of the tanks when they're all sparkling and clean.
it can be hard to manage sometimes, i've found it's fine with the two of us when we're both just working normal hrs and don't have many other commitments, but now we've started renovating the house it's become increasingly difficult to find the time to look after all the tanks with some bad consequences. I think the key really is to be prepared to be flexible, understock and overfilter your tanks so you have a little leeway in case you can't do your water change on time for some reason, and when you're embarking on any major projects think of the fish first and if need be close down a tank or two even if it's temporarily while you do whatever you've got to do.

once Oscars better I'll be selling the big tank and possibly my little one too, but I've a spare 3 footer in the basement and got my eye on some channa guacha so i'll just bide my time and when we're done with the house and I have time to commit to it again i'll start over.

Im a newbie at this and i have had a tank for just over two weeks, so you can probably disregard my comment but i love it, every night when i get home i do my water tests, check on my fish, do the water changes if i need to and then basically everything else comes second. I am still sitting watching my fish for hours and hours on end, I really love it at the minute. I have only got a small 45 litre tank (12 Us gallons i think) and i really really wish i had brought a bigger one. My next project is going to be a marine tank i think cause my other half wants really colourful fish ( i need a bit more experience first though).

Anyway i am sure you will fall into a routine with general maintenance like i will have to when the novalty wears off.

Good luck and congratulations (on the job)

Marine tanks are a lot of work and a lot harder to keep! There are many many very colourful tropical fish. Have a look at some of the Mbuna, you might be surprised!

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