Keeping Chickens


Fish Crazy
Feb 2, 2010
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Newcastle, England
My wife has her name on the list for adopting some ex-battery hens, and i have a feeling she is going to get the call sooner, rather than later.
Bit of a long shot, but i was just wondering if anyone had any equipment they no longer need/want.
The likes of a pen, a run, fencing etc.
Give me a shout if you do, and we can arrange something.
I'm in Lincolnshire, UK
Thats nice that your getting ex battery hens :) They need a good home to go to.
You could look on ebay, i have seen lots of coops/runs being sold for not that much, it's worth a look could get a good deal :)
We just got a 5ftx5ft run of ebay for our rabbit, brand new never been used for £50 :D
cool, we shall look on the bay.
Well my wife has always liked chickens, and we have always fancied our own, and we think thats the best way to do it, adopt them, and nuture them back to full health, and they will provide us with years of entertainment and eggs.
cool, we shall look on the bay.
Well my wife has always liked chickens, and we have always fancied our own, and we think thats the best way to do it, adopt them, and nuture them back to full health, and they will provide us with years of entertainment and eggs.

We were going to get some ex battery hens aswell, but then 1 of our rabbits is territorial, so she would have hurt them :( so we couldn't have any
Hope you find something :)
Hi, it's great that you're adopting some battery hens. Someone I know from school's parents have a chicken farm. They are classed as free range, but the conditions are awful. The chickens are crammed in, and they often smother each other to death. They are allowed outside (outside being a 6 foot wide strip down the side of the sheds, where they walk on weld mesh that is held off the ground by 6" thick beams). And that's free range. :grr:

What size hutch are you getting for them? We have chickens, and they are in a hutch outside with a run that is about 2m x 1m, with a weld mesh floor(3 chickens), which to me is cruel. But the parents won't listen. All they are bothered about is the eggs from them. :(

I hope you find some decent housing for them.

cheers :good:

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