Keeping Bettas In A Bowl


Sep 19, 2005
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i finally got my 7uk gallon tank up and running and i want to keep a betta in it but the tanks not cycled yet... I went to my lfs and they have the nicest betta ive seen there in ages but it wont be there for long :( if i got it tomorrow could i keep him in a bowl untill the tanks ready? What would i need to do with the bowl, put gravle in and do water changes every X days?

How many gallons is the bowl and how long before your tank is done getting cycled? I'd go ahead and get him. He doesn't need gravel, it might be easier to clean without it but if you like the looks of it (even though it's only temporary) that's ok too. Make sure that the temperature of the water stays in the 70s, 75-80 is best.
I'd go ahead and get him, it sucks not being able to get a fish you really want right away because you haven't yet got the right home for him, but luckily for you a betta would be ok in a bowl. :)
I personally love bowls, I think thats where Vt's lok best, IMO.
That is of course, if its big enough.
My house can get pretty darn cold, and especially since we're expecting snow soon, and I still sleep with my windows open.
They do just fine, I've seen the water down to 65 before in one of their bowls, he was fine. (Although I'm sure they were very happy when I warmed them up)
They can survive in colder waters, but thrive much better in warmer water ;)
Its an old "Gold fish" bowl, about 2 gallons maybe alittle more. My mate gave me it cos his gold fish died... nothing to do with being in a 2 gallon bowl tho :sly: If i kept the Bowl ontop of my 45G would the heat off the hood keep it warm enough, its not really how but its nice if the rooms cold for your hands :p also how often would i change the water and how much each time?

Well, I do mine 2 times a week, averaging between 25% and 50%

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