Keeping a newt


Fish Crazy
Apr 20, 2004
Reaction score
Oxfordshire, UK
I am really inetersted in keeping a newt! I was wondering if anyone had any information about keeping them??
What species, a pond species? If not it may be a better idea to post this in the Amphibians forum above this for more help.
i'd like a newt too! How do you encourage them into the pond? :dunno:
1bennet1 said:
Its not a pond species it will be one of the ones that are found in pet stores...
It is probably best to ask in the Amphibians forum then. Hopefully a mod will move this. You will get more advice there.
just thought id add that newts in the uk are protected by law with some fairly heafty fines for removing them from the wild more so the crested newt,also theres a risk of infecting your pond with samanella ,id leave well alone :no:
Sad but true, it now means that Newts transported unknowingly must be left in their new destination. For instance a pond plant order can come in with Newts which than have to be left in the lfs, but it does mean that Newts are now protected.
a friend of mine is actualy unable to sell his house becouse someone slipped a crested newt into his pond ,he unknowingly contacted the council to ask about another one( a mate) they sent round the heavy mob to lay down the law :-(
bribones said:
a friend of mine is actualy unable to sell his house becouse someone slipped a crested newt into his pond ,he unknowingly contacted the council to ask about another one( a mate) they sent round the heavy mob to lay down the law :-(
Yep, a lfs of mine had to with hold 300 pond plants for three months after a Crested Newt was discovered in the order, the newt now lives in an out door pond in the shop as it connot be moved.

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