Keeping A Betta With Guppys?


Dec 17, 2009
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Could i keep a betta or two with some guppys in a 10g tank its square and has alot of space for a not so big tank ive got a good Ehiem filter and heater also its got a few live plants in it and a cave.

Thats a shame there is a woman near me selling some great looking ones for only a £1 each.

Il just have to stick with the guppys.

It actually all depends on the temperament of the Betta; if you get female guppies or males that are not too colourful with short fins it will work. ^_^ I picked my male guppy specifically because he is (mostly) black except for a bright orange tail, and his tail is small and round. The roundtails generally tend to be shorter.... ^_^
Ive got my pick of 100s of guppys from a friend so i could choose less colourful ones i don't want the fish fighting though.. id love a betta though they look amazing.

If i got say one betta how many guppys would be fine in my 10g? the description of my tank is in my first post.

Well, you could have probably.... 2 males & 3 females; I have 1 male & 1 female in my 10-gallon with my male Betta, but only because I want the tank to sort "naturally populate" itself. :D The guppies breed and have fry; some get eaten, some survive.... ^_^ Or you could have 5 or 6 female guppies, or just 5 or 6 male guppies. :D
Thanks for the help :good: .

I think i might start cycling my other 10g just for a betta or two as i really like them now ive been reading up on them.
Platies (also livebearers) are also good tankmates for Bettas. :D You can only keep one male Betta in a 10-gallon along with perhaps some platies or.... well actually, I've only ever kept platies and guppies SUCCESSFULLY with Bettas, until now, at the very least. Also, cories work as good tank mates, too. XD But you could keep several females, like 5 or 6, in a 10-gallon tank. ^_^

Oh God I must sound confusing. XD
There is no point to cycling any tank for two bettas. You cannot keep more than one of the commonly available bettas in a tank. The only time it can work is if you have the right females in a sorority situation and even there it can be chancy whether or not it will work out. You can never keep a male with another male or with a female. You can bring a female into a male's tank long enough for them to breed but she must be removed soon after to avoid being badly injured or killed.
dont put two bettas together.....unless they're females but even then ud have to have alot to keep them from being aggressive.

Ive kept one male betta with a few was great! They'll be fine as long as the betta will play nice. Chose one with a peaceful attitude.

Platys are know to getting ich easily.....just telling from my experience is that ive owned so many and they all ended with ich. But you could i just have bad luck with that silly illness :p
I can see why there called fighting fish now.. i may as well give up then i think shame though.

Thanks for the help anyway guys.
it can work.

i have always had a betta in with my community tank, which consists mainly of guppies, and mine are extremely fancy.

just put the betta in last and you should have no issues. but i wouldnt put two bettas together, they will kill each other i'm afraid :(
you can make a divider for the tank. then you could have 2 bettas and a pair of guppies on each side.
just a thought.

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