Kaylee Update


Jun 6, 2005
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British Columbia - Canada
For those of you unsure of who she is

Ok so for the update...
She made it throught the night! Last night after i did the post about her i emailed the company where she came from and got a respnse first thing this morning to call them. I did and got some good info and a reasurance that they will reimburse me for the vet costs up to the cost of the ferret and if she doesn't make it, they will get me a new ferret. Not that i want another one - I want her, but ... you know, it was nice of them.
So i took her to the vet just as soon as they could get us in, she was in the same condition as last night.
So the vet did fecal tests and yes she was quite dehydrated. As soon as she got some sub-q fluids she perked up a bit. The weird thing is that her back end seemed kind of lame and when i told the owner of the company she was from she said that is a sign of fever, which she had. So after all that - She's on 2 antibiotics twice a day and i have to keep her separate from the other 2 and i have to feed her strained chicken and broth infant food every 30 mins and water by seringe. She goes back to the vet first thing tomorrow morning for more fluids, if it's needed. She's eating like a fiend and is taking the water quite well too. Definately perked up but not out of the woods by a long shot. The Dr told me that if it's a bacterial infection she has a fighting chance but if it's viral she may not make it. They can't tell now, i think only time will tell if it's bacterial or viral. Me and all my other critters also have to be careful cause if it IS bacterial, it can spread to us :crazy:
So that's it for now...i'll continue the updates as news unfolds
Thanks for all the well wishes!
Fingers crossed - hope she gets better !!! :flex:
I hope she gets better. I know what it is like to have a very sick ferret. My little fellow decided to get soused and drank some mouth wash and he almost died. It cost me a lot of money but he is worth every penny. I done a lot of praying and it worked. God decided to give me one more chance to do better with him.
I so glad she perked up a little.

The resone I asked about what color her poop was, I was thinking ECE.

But anyway she under vet care now, and that will give her a great fighting chance, I been there to, I've had 2 ferrets pass away due to Cardiomyopathy, and 1 to Lymthsarcoma.

Keep your chin up, she'll be fine.
I hope she gets better. It's hard to watch a sick pet knowing they can't tell you what's wrong. On a different note (and please don't take this the wrong way, I'm just ignorant about ferrets), I recently read an article about how vicious ferrets were and that they we very dangerous around children. Is that true or just another of those article written to scare the you know what out of us?
Some ferrets can be mean. Others are extremely affectionate. I personally know fishykisses ferrets. Except for Kaylee, I haven't met her yet. I let my 3 year old daughter pet Diego and Sidley and they loved the attention.

I believe that it has to do with how the ferret is handled from a young age. I also know that fishykisses adores her animals and handles them frequently. It is my understanding that ferrets bite out of fear, as a survival mechanism. If the ferret doesn't fear you, it won't bite you. I could be wrong though.

Hope Kaylee is feeling better today. Do update us again please!
Sorry it took so long to update guys....it's been crazy busy nursing her back to health.
She's doing TONS better. She's eating like a horse and up until yesterday was a real trouper at taking her meds. I think she's now really strong enough to object and boy is she objecting now. She's still separated from the other 2 and is living in a cat carrier in the living room as to not spread the bacterial infection to anyone ele...especially my geriatric female - sydley. I think possibly by the end of the week she'll be back with her buds. I just need to work with her some more on getting her strength back in her hind quarters. She was so weak in the back end i thought her back was broken but as it turns out she was just really sick and the fevers caused the weakness. So now she's hopping about again but still a little wobbly.
Thanks to all of you for your concern and good wishes.
rdd1952 said:
I hope she gets better. It's hard to watch a sick pet knowing they can't tell you what's wrong. On a different note (and please don't take this the wrong way, I'm just ignorant about ferrets), I recently read an article about how vicious ferrets were and that they we very dangerous around children. Is that true or just another of those article written to scare the you know what out of us?

The only Nasty ferrets are mistreated ferrets. They all have different personalitys, but I have yet to meet, a malishous true polecat, let alone a malishous ferret.

This is Phoenix, I beleave he is half true Polecat, half Polecat colored ferret. He is lovely, abit snappy sometimes, but is no way malishous

anyway, sorry to go off abit.

I so glad Kaylee, feeling better.
I'd like to nomernate Kaylee, for pet of the month, as she such a great fighter. :D

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