Kamakaze Cory


Fish Crazy
Jan 15, 2009
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Hi all

I bought 3 very tiny (about 1cm) Pygmy Corys about 2 weeks ago. two of them have taken up residence in the plants of my 20G tank, and seem very happy resting and searching for food amongst the leaves (and they have grown). I feared that the third had died, as i could not see him anywhere for many days, yesterday, I was really happy to count all three. two on the plants as usual, and the third on the substrate.

Suddenly No 3 took off madly, swimming to the surface taking several gulps of air, and then swirling down to the substrate again, twirling almost like a sycamore leaf. landing on his/her back, resting, and then repeating the action. It was almost like he was trying to commit suicide, second time he nosedived into the substrate, stayed in that position for a while and then moved off. I really thought he/she was on his way out. The other two corys do not behave anything like this, and seem to stay together whereas no 3 seems to be alone, and not part of the (very small) group.

36 hours later, no 3 still is exhibiting very similar behaviour, swimming wildly, floating down from the surface upside down, and then righting himself once he reaches the bottom.

This is my first time to have Corys. I really love them, but am concerned about no 3's behaviour.

The water parameters are
Ammonia 0
Nitite 0
Nitrate 40
ph 7.2

The tank is a community tank.

I really hope someone can shed some light on this. One other thing is that no 3 does not seem to have grown as much as the other two.

Hope someone can help
One of my albino corys does the same thing. He does it most mornings when I turn on the tank lights for feeding. Maybe the light startles him, I don't know. It also happens randomly during the day. It's crazy to watch. He just freaks out for no reason. My peppered cory seems to have taken up the trick too but not as often. As long as your water stats are good and your fish are eating, he's ok.
cories frequently dart to the surface for air, like little rockets they just zoom right up there...id be concerned that he is landing on his back tho...that is not normal! keep a close eye...is he eating? and otherwise acting strange? does he forage around like the other cories or rest in one spot most of the time?
Thanks Guys,

Well he is definitely not behaving like the others, I really thought I had lost him as I couldn't find him for about a week. (I presumed he had died and been eaten by one of the other fish). I was totally relieved and surprised to spot him, but then the strange behavior. I definitely am worried, as he disappears for long periods (there are plenty of hiding places in the tank). The other two Corys spend most of their time foraging in the plants, but also on the subsrtate. They do not exhibit any of the unusual behaviour.

I think he must be sick, maybe a swim bladder problem? although he does shoot up to the surface normally, its just when he comes back down that he seems to twirl and land in strange positions.

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