Juwel Trigon 190 Second Attempt!

The Duke

Fish Crazy
Mar 24, 2012
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Sorry I am a novice at posting pics so here goes again!!

Hi, here are a couple of pics of my Juwel Trigon 190, Recently changed over from gravel to caribsea black sand, Got eco-complete planting substrate around the back and sides to help the plants along. Running with a tetratec ex1200 which I have used to replace the standard juwel internal. Water quality and clarity seems to be much better. Stocking is two peal gourami, twelve copper harlequin, four x-ray tetra, eight sterbai cory and a columbian ram (his wife sadly died recently)



Lovely looking tank Duke. I've always loved the contrast black sand gives a planted tank :)
Thanks for your comments. It's been a labour of love my aquarium but something I have really gained a lot of satisfaction from. I am sure everyone on this forum will know what I mean when I say that
lovely tank love the corys have they ever bred?> some close ups on the fish would be cool
Hi. The cories have bred once but the eggs didn't survive. I am hoping the change to sand might spur them on to breed. The gouramis have built a bubble nest the day after I changed to sand so they obviously like it. Will get some close up pics of the fish and put them on.

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