I have at home a rio 240, with 2 bulbs in of god-knows-what-age and im wanting to get quite a few plants (couple of dozen,but only things like anubias,java ferns,etc) but i want to get as much wattage as i can from my light unit. Im unsure what wattage bulbs i have at the minute (the markings have faded from the tubes) but the tubes are quite fat and obviously 4ft long (does that make the t8?t5?)
Can i just buy some 4ft bulbs that are rated to a high wattage (and suitable for "enhanced plant growth and fish colour" aswell as being the correct T#) or do i need a new lid bit for my tank?
Can i just buy some 4ft bulbs that are rated to a high wattage (and suitable for "enhanced plant growth and fish colour" aswell as being the correct T#) or do i need a new lid bit for my tank?