New Member
Hi all. I'm going to use this thread to record my progress with my second tank and first thought out one. Currently I have a Juwel Reckord 800 in my bedroom and have got on really well with it. However when I started I had never had a fish tank before and there are things I would have done differently (like using a soil substrate rather than gravel). Now I have that second chance - someone at work was selling a Juwel Rio 125 with cabinet for a bargin £50 and I snapped it up.
So now I have a lovely blank canvas which over the next month or two I am going to work on.
For substrate I have bought 20l of aquatic soil (much cheaper than a lot of the expensive substrate at £7) and I am going to add a layer of sand on top of this. For decoration I am planning to add a mini mountain on the left which will be hollow inside to allow fish to hide inside it. There will also be some bog wood. The rocks I am going to source from a local river (boiling first to remove any harmful nasties).
Now whilst I am doing things on the cheap I am undecided about the filter. The current pump looks a little tired and I need to buy new sponges. I am going to consider whether to get an external filter and remove the internal one. Can anyone recommend a cheap external filter?
The lights are currently 2 18watt T8 tubes. This currently gives me a low 1wpg. Like my other tank I'll be getting reflectors to boost this and over time might well get a T5 unit. To go with this I'm going to use a DIY yeast reactor for CO2. My Reckord currently is running with one of these and I'm getting good CO2 levels.
For plants I'm going to start off with a tropical plant collection from Java Plants and I'll see where I go from there. Fish wise I am very undecided. My other half really wants me to get some slightly larger fish than I currently have (tiger barbs, platys, danios, tetras, and american flag fish). Angel Fish seem a good choice here - my tank is fairly deep at 50cm. I am also tempted by a shoal of bottom feeders but other than that I'm at a loss.
Any suggestions for design, plants and fish are most welcome. As I progress this project I'll update this post. I will also be running my first fishless cycle which should be fun!
So now I have a lovely blank canvas which over the next month or two I am going to work on.
For substrate I have bought 20l of aquatic soil (much cheaper than a lot of the expensive substrate at £7) and I am going to add a layer of sand on top of this. For decoration I am planning to add a mini mountain on the left which will be hollow inside to allow fish to hide inside it. There will also be some bog wood. The rocks I am going to source from a local river (boiling first to remove any harmful nasties).
Now whilst I am doing things on the cheap I am undecided about the filter. The current pump looks a little tired and I need to buy new sponges. I am going to consider whether to get an external filter and remove the internal one. Can anyone recommend a cheap external filter?
The lights are currently 2 18watt T8 tubes. This currently gives me a low 1wpg. Like my other tank I'll be getting reflectors to boost this and over time might well get a T5 unit. To go with this I'm going to use a DIY yeast reactor for CO2. My Reckord currently is running with one of these and I'm getting good CO2 levels.
For plants I'm going to start off with a tropical plant collection from Java Plants and I'll see where I go from there. Fish wise I am very undecided. My other half really wants me to get some slightly larger fish than I currently have (tiger barbs, platys, danios, tetras, and american flag fish). Angel Fish seem a good choice here - my tank is fairly deep at 50cm. I am also tempted by a shoal of bottom feeders but other than that I'm at a loss.
Any suggestions for design, plants and fish are most welcome. As I progress this project I'll update this post. I will also be running my first fishless cycle which should be fun!