Juwel Lido... Name To Follow When I Think Of One

Ben M

Formerly pest control
Jul 22, 2009
Reaction score
East Yorkshire
Hi, my brother has a Juwel Lido 120. i do all of the scaping and maintenance side of it. it is quite heavily planted, and is looking quite good IMHO. the plants are growing well, although there are some holes appearing in the leaves of the Hygrophila:


i seem to recall that that means a lack of potassium? am i correct in thinking that, and if so should i double the potassium nitrate that i'm dosing?

also, my brother thinks that the filter looks rubbish. there isn't the option of removing it, as we don't have the money for a new filter. however, after it trimmed the moss i accidentally left a bit floating about, and it got stuck on the filter inlet. within 2 weeks it was clinging onto it quite well (although i had to move it as it was blocking the inlet). would it be an idea to tie some Taiwan moss to it? and how would you suggest tying it on? it would be very tricky using cotton, and i don't want to glue it. could i stick a few twigs infront of it with the moss tied into them and let it grow onto the filter? i have some spare beech that i am soaking for my nano shrimp tank that i could use?

other than that everything is going well. i'm not too sure on the rock placement (it looked good until my brother changed it around a week ago. and then the kribs laid some more eggs on them so we can't alter it yet).

Lighting - Standard high-lite (48w t5).
Heating - 100w Juwel Heater.
Substrate - Play sand.
Ferts/Co2 - EI ferts, no co2.

Plants - Hygrophila polysperma, Limnophila sessiliflora, Rotala rotundifolia, Cryptocoryne wendtii brown, Taiwan moss and a moss ball.

Fish - 1 breeding pair of kribensis + approx. 20 fry + eggs, 5 tiger barbs, 8 cherry barbs, 5 glowlight tetras and 10 silvertip tetras.

A few pics with my new canon eos 1000d. :D :




so, what do you think?

criticism is very welcome as always :good:
thanks for your thoughts Biulu. :good: when the eggs have hatched i'll have a fiddle about with the hardscape (and after i've got my fingers sorted out ... check this thread ;) http://www.fishforums.net/index.php?/topic/344108-can-my-fish-have-tb-and-i-cought-it/page__view__getnewpost)

any ideas as to the holes in the leaves? i'm tempted to slowly up the dose of my NPK, would that be a good idea?

cheers :good:
I nominate this tank for TOTM december, its excellent :shifty:
Very nice, liking the Rotala, mines a pain but yours is looking good.

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