Juwel Heater..


Aug 20, 2007
Reaction score
Sheffield, UK
A mate gave me some spares he had after giving up the hobby for a long while, and in these 'spares' included a heater.. well, ive just come to use it and realised it has nothing on it to say what temp its set too ?? :S :S :S

Its a Juwel heater, 300watt, with a blue and green dial at the top that you can turn one way to lower the temp or the other way to increase it, but no actual numbers to say what temp its actually set too..

Anyone have any ideas ??.. except as too ask him who i got it off because he's away and cant get intouch.

A mate gave me some spares he had after giving up the hobby for a long while, and in these 'spares' included a heater.. well, ive just come to use it and realised it has nothing on it to say what temp its set too ?? :S :S :S

Its a Juwel heater, 300watt, with a blue and green dial at the top that you can turn one way to lower the temp or the other way to increase it, but no actual numbers to say what temp its actually set too..

Anyone have any ideas ??.. except as too ask him who i got it off because he's away and cant get intouch.

i had no idea either i chucked mine in the bin lol
Those heaters are ok, they can lasts for years, i had one since 1999, and its still working now :good: , Switch it on and use your thermometer to see were it is and slowly adjust to get were you want it, it should not move once you get it in the right position. Of course this is easy in an empty tank, its harder to sort out in a tank with fish in it.
Thanks for the idea Victor, i may try that later...

Anyways.. My main heater looks as though its going..Its set at 26C but past week i noticed the temp of the tank going down slightly each day, and when i got up this morning it was 22C :S

So i need a new one and i went to the lfs earlier but the assistant asked how big my tank was and i said 450litres.. she said they dont have one to fit that size and that i should order a larger size online, she suggested the fluval website. She also said that, thats probably why my main heater (which is 300watt) has gone because its too small for my tank size.

But im looking and cant find a heater larger than 300watt anywhere ??.. Does anyone have any suggestions ??

A pair of 200W heaters are good if the room isn't too cool. My 55 gal tank stays a steady 78 degrees with just a single 100W heater because my room with the tank is always about 75 or 76 degrees.

Yes I'm going to get a second heater (150W) before winter.
Having two heaters is always a good idea anyway, if one fails the other can help you out until you find a replacement, i brought two aqua-one 300w heaters the other day, they were on a deal, i got both for £20, ideal :good:

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