Juwel Generic Heater


RIP Dear nan 22/03/1925 --11/03/2009
Sep 22, 2008
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Devon - UK
i got 2 of these i dont use cos i dont know how to set the temp , does anyone know or is a fiddle and see job

Thanks Sarah xx
its the matter of letting the temp get 2 wot u want then turning the dial so the lite goes off lol nice and helpful juwel are lol
what i did was get a bucket out some warm water in it and waited until it was 26c using a thermometer to check the temp.
then i stuck the heater in it..
i twisted the nob until the light clicked off..
what i did was get a bucket out some warm water in it and waited until it was 26c using a thermometer to check the temp.
then i stuck the heater in it..
i twisted the nob until the light clicked off..

thanks for all the replies i think i'll do the bucket thing sounds the easiest way of doing it , i suppose its cos it is just a generic heater thats why :( bloody juwel lol

cheers Sarah xx
when i was cycling my tank i did a fiddle and see job on it. after all, you have to ;eave the tank for weeks while its cycling so i had nothing else to do!
they could of at least put a gauge on it or something

You lot are spoiled these days ! When I started the adjustment was a screw head INSIDE the thermostat... you had to remove the rubber bung from the top of the tube and twiddle with a screwdriver.... no neon lamp either, it was REALLY easy to make a booboo.

That was my first severe shock... adjusting with wet hands, talking to my mum and neglected to unplug the power :blush: I sat there shaking + shouting at her to pull out the plug... "which one ?" "all the buggers...." SLAP !!!! So, got smacked AND shocked....

This ONE incident 30 odd years ago is why I ALWAYS drill home the importance of safety with water and electricity.
Lifes a LOT safer now, with RCDs etc, but why take risks ? You only FU once :crazy:

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