Juwel Filter


Fish Fanatic
Oct 18, 2004
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I bought my Juwel vision 180 second hand so got no instructions about the filter. I have just found a PDF which says the following:
Replace the white filter wool pad once a week.
Replace the black activated carbon sponge every 4–6 weeks. This ensures that any chemical impurities from the water will be removed.
If the filter wool and the activated carbon sponge arereplaced as suggested, then it is sufficient to carefully clean or replace the coarse blue sponges at 6–12 weeks andthe fine blue sponges at 3–6 months only

From reading the forum I think I can take the carbon sponge out. The tanks been running for about 8 weeks so im sure its cycled. And can I not just clean the white sponge cause it doesnt even seem that dirty.

Should I follow there instructions exactly or are they just trying to get more money out of me.

Along whith this filter im also running an eheim 2213 classic so the water should be getting enough filtering
the white floss can be rinsed and re-used
the carbon is not needed all the time
never change the others, just rinse them everytime you do a part water change.

The only reason Juwel say to buy new ones is so they can get their grubby mits on your hard earned cash.
when my carbon ran out (after ~4 weeks) I replaced it with another corse sponge. I sometimes replace the white wool (when it has plant bits stuck in it) and sometimes just rinse it.
As previously said......you should not bother with the "juwel" recommended filter media changes.....carbon is only really needed after treating a tank with meds for various diseases.
I also run all my juwel tanks with eheim externals.....your 180 can be filtered by the 2213 alone so your filtration in my opinion is excellent. :D
I'd like to add a clarification that the floss and sponges should only be rinsed in dechlorinated water. Sorry I know most of you know this already but I rather be safe than sorry.

Those manufacter's try to milk every penny out of you, don't they???
I have replaced the carbon with some filter wool, so the water is a lot cleaner. The white sponge & wool is replaced when it gets too dirty. The rest are rinsed once in a while (read couple of months)
I wouldnt follow thier instructions, and i dont.

They are just trying to make money, the media does not have to be replaced that often.

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