Juwel Filter


New Member
Mar 11, 2006
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hi i have the juwel rio 125 tank and juwel filter every morning i check my fish one of my blind cave tetras is swimming inside filter above the sponges how can this happen i have the 600 powerhead with the air diffuser on so no holes for it to swim through i have water at maximum level with filter lid fitted on top baffles me any ideas ? thanks
There are small slots around the case of the filter, where the water is sucked in, but it's unlikely the fish would swim through those. The most likely problem is that the fish has jumped out of the tank and into the filter from above. Make sure you leave the little lid on the top of the filter. It is also possible for a fish to enter through the hold that the water flows out of. Fixing the "spout" pieces onto the powerhead should help here.


hi i have the juwel rio 125 tank and juwel filter every morning i check my fish one of my blind cave tetras is swimming inside filter above the sponges how can this happen i have the 600 powerhead with the air diffuser on so no holes for it to swim through i have water at maximum level with filter lid fitted on top baffles me any ideas ? thanks
Try wrapping a few eleastic bands around the outlet pipe to block the gap between the filter-housing hole and the pipe. Also note that annoying finger hole in the middle of the top cover. The only way to block that is to put a barrier around the top of the filter housing to stop fishies leaping on to the top of the filter.
TBH I don't know how big BCT's are, but I have some young neons and I used to worry that they could fit through the access grills in the filter, but it's not happened yet...

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