Juwel Filter Help?

Le Sorcier

Fish Crazy
Oct 8, 2007
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Never had a Juwel before but got one now in a Rio 180.

I've heard that the Carbon sponge is not essential? Is this true?

As it is I've got the Filter Wool to go on top, then the fine blue sponge, coarse blue sponge, and Nitrate green sponge. that would only be three and wouldn't fill the inside of the housing up? Is this ok?

Also, is it worth getting the new Cirax thing?

I have a rio 125, but I removed the Juwel filter because it was so noisy!

The way the original filter was set up in the 125 was 2 fine blue sponges in the bottom basket, then in the top one, working upwards, 1 coarse blue, green nitrate then black carbon sponge, with the white pad on top. You don't need the carbon sponge for routine purposes, only to remove meds, smells etc. Keep in in the cupboard. As for the nitrate sponge, most people think it doesn't remove nitrate very well, so just use it as another sponge for the bacteria to grow in. Don't replace it regularly like the instructions say.
Cirax is fairly new, and it comes in a plastic box. From what I can see on Juwel's site, there are three sizes of box, so if you want to use cirax, get the box that's the same size as your sponges, that way you know it'll fit. Juwel also say to replace the cirax every nine months. I've never seen any, but if it is a ceramic medium, it'll last for years. Alternatively, get another make ceramic medium and put it in a mesh bag. You can use it to replace the carbon sponge and the nitrate one. Or fill in the space left by the missing fine blue sponge since you only seem to have one.
I have a rio 125, but I removed the Juwel filter because it was so noisy!

The way the original filter was set up in the 125 was 2 fine blue sponges in the bottom basket, then in the top one, working upwards, 1 coarse blue, green nitrate then black carbon sponge, with the white pad on top. You don't need the carbon sponge for routine purposes, only to remove meds, smells etc. Keep in in the cupboard. As for the nitrate sponge, most people think it doesn't remove nitrate very well, so just use it as another sponge for the bacteria to grow in. Don't replace it regularly like the instructions say.
Cirax is fairly new, and it comes in a plastic box. From what I can see on Juwel's site, there are three sizes of box, so if you want to use cirax, get the box that's the same size as your sponges, that way you know it'll fit. Juwel also say to replace the cirax every nine months. I've never seen any, but if it is a ceramic medium, it'll last for years. Alternatively, get another make ceramic medium and put it in a mesh bag. You can use it to replace the carbon sponge and the nitrate one. Or fill in the space left by the missing fine blue sponge since you only seem to have one.

ok thanks, I will get another fine blue sponge. So I could fill the filter like this? (top to bottom)

Filter Wool
Nitrate Sponge
Coarse Blue Sponge
Fine Blue Sponge
2nd Fine Blue Sponge

Is that correct?
I've just had a look at the filter I took out of my rio 125. There is enough room in each basket for 2 thick sponges and 1 thin sponge. According to Juwel's website, the cirax boxes are the same thickness as the blue sponges, so I wouldn't be able to get a coarse blue sponge and a nitrate sponge and a cirax box in the top basket. Yours might be bigger than that, so you'll need to see what will fit

The order from top to bottom is white pad, green sponge, coarse sponge, cirax, fine sponge. When you work out how many will fit, then you can decide which to use. If it's the same size as mine, if you want to use cirax, it will mean either leaving out the nitrate sponge and having white pad, coarse blue, cirax in the top basket and 2 fine blue in the bottom, or white pad, nitrate sponge and coarse blue in the top basket, and cirax and 1 fine blue in the bottom. There should be enough space left over to fit the carbon sponge if ever you need it. That's only half the thickness of the other sponges.

The white pad won't last long, but don't get new Juwel ones. Just get a roll of filter wool and cut it to fit.
I've just had a look at the filter I took out of my rio 125. There is enough room in each basket for 2 thick sponges and 1 thin sponge. According to Juwel's website, the cirax boxes are the same thickness as the blue sponges, so I wouldn't be able to get a coarse blue sponge and a nitrate sponge and a cirax box in the top basket. Yours might be bigger than that, so you'll need to see what will fit

The order from top to bottom is white pad, green sponge, coarse sponge, cirax, fine sponge. When you work out how many will fit, then you can decide which to use. If it's the same size as mine, if you want to use cirax, it will mean either leaving out the nitrate sponge and having white pad, coarse blue, cirax in the top basket and 2 fine blue in the bottom, or white pad, nitrate sponge and coarse blue in the top basket, and cirax and 1 fine blue in the bottom. There should be enough space left over to fit the carbon sponge if ever you need it. That's only half the thickness of the other sponges.

The white pad won't last long, but don't get new Juwel ones. Just get a roll of filter wool and cut it to fit.

Fantastic thats great.

Just the answer I was looking for. Nice advice on the filter wool :)

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