hey. for the last few weeks, my juvies have been dying off. I'm down to 4 or 5 of my spawn of 9. I've treated with anything I could think of that might work and nothing has. They seem to only get it one at a time, and isolating the sick fish never seems to help. They eventually lose their ability to stay horizontal, but soon after that, their fins start clamping down, usually starting with the anal fin, then eventually the caudal and dorsal fins too!
Does anyone know what this could be? There are 4 juvies in a 5 gallon. It didn't affect my two guppies that I had in the same tank for a week. Water temp is 81F. They were born on Jan 15th, so they're about 3.5 weeks old (and small compared to hardcore breeders' fish at this age but that's partly bcc the biggest ones started dying off first several weeks ago).
Here's the best pic i could get (don't mind the algae

Thanks for any help!!!
Does anyone know what this could be? There are 4 juvies in a 5 gallon. It didn't affect my two guppies that I had in the same tank for a week. Water temp is 81F. They were born on Jan 15th, so they're about 3.5 weeks old (and small compared to hardcore breeders' fish at this age but that's partly bcc the biggest ones started dying off first several weeks ago).
Here's the best pic i could get (don't mind the algae

Thanks for any help!!!