Juvi Channa Ornatipinnis


ray and oddball keeper !!
Nov 22, 2008
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lancaster, lancashire, england, uk
hi just thought id post a pic of my biggest of the six ornate snakehead fry from nellys pair!


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Looking great dave :good: he's nearly lost all his juvi colouring, maybe i should post some more picture's tommorow, haven't done any for age's :rolleyes:
how are they all getting on mate? are they still all active and eating well?
yeah they all that colour now. Yep really active, still a bit shy. When i feed them they want to come get it from my fingers but get half way and chicken out! They eat loads, get little fat bellies, just have to watch they dont eat to much! They eating bloodworm, brine shrimp, krill and they love chopped lance fish! Got no intrest with the last ones yet?
Got someone coming over from northern ireland next week to pick some up :hyper:
But the other's people get intrested then seem to cool off....oh well

from northern ireland!! blimey hes an ENTHUSIAST!!!

I've got no more tank space and no potentia for mr more judging by the amount of moaning my mrs has been doing bout the tanks in the garage recently!!!
Yes that's what i said to him, crazy but, well you know about the mappel<holland> trip, that's some channa loving eh....my wife would go crazy and insinuate i was having an affair if i went to mappel to talk channa...
Tank's iam not aloud but shoe's/clothe's/make-up "oh but i need them for work" women eh,well 97% of them anyhow :shifty:
ha ha my other half has started just ignoring me when i talk Channa! i don't think id ever go abroad to talk about them though.its more of a challenge when you have to seek out information and advice from your armchair! its also more of a challenge when some disease kills off a whole collection of bleheri!
ah well, i shall wait til everything has settled and my tank has been treated and clear and look into getting a group of bleheri!
all the ornates are doing very well, very greedy! I've got the goldring butterfly loach thing in with them and every time it moves the ornates follow it! its funny to watch!

yer mine look lighter than that, like you said they just blend in. all doing well though which is the main thing!
i am looking to put a uv clarifier on my main tank to get rid of disease and improve water quality in general, its on a thread in the hardware section, have a look and tell me what you think!!

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