Juvenile Neon Tetras?


Lets go Flyers
Sep 17, 2006
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I bought some neons off of liveaquaria.com in early november but they don't look like normal neons. I couldn't get any good photos of them, so I'll describe them best I can.
You can see their entire spine, their stomach and gut and stuff is visible, and from their to the end of the tail it's transparent, but a little bit reddish-pink. There's a skinny blue stripe on their bodies where a normal neon's would be, but it's skinnier. Their eyes have blue around them. They are the same size as my normal neons. I have 4 and two of them are fatter, making me think they are females, but wouldn't they have normal coloring? Also, the area around their gills is reddish, but I'm pretty sure they aren't sick, they are acting normal. They hang out with my normal neons too, and they act exactly the same. Their entire body has sort of a pink glow. At first I thought they were albino, especially when I got them because they had no coloring, they were just white, but their eyes are black so I know they aren't. Oh, and you can see what I think might be the swim bladder on all of them, it looks like a bubble. Like I said though, they are all eating and behaveing normally and I've had them since Early november, maybe october, I don't remember.
They were sold as neon tetras from liveaquaria.com. Maybe I'll contact them.
It sounds like selective breeded NeonTetra. I saw them first time at the one of the Asian connected local fish store. Maybe 2 years ago. They marked as "white neon". They were asking like $10/fish. I admired but couldn't afford. They were white more like pinkish color and almost no typical Neon red and blue except irridicent faint blue color on body and around the eyes when you see in certain angle.
And after that, I see them at the other American local fish store now and then pop up. Also the price came down quite bit. I think they were sold around $2.50 last time I saw. They usually marked as "albino Neon". Usually tank next to "albino Glowlight".
However, I believe they are not totally albino since they do have black eyes ublike albino Glowlight does have pink red eyes.
I believe they are selective breeded in S.Asia somewhere. Since they are always developing many strain. I know there are another Neon called "Diamond Neon" which they suppose to have more sparkles especially around top of the head.
I should get some after I set my big tank. Since Neon Tetras are my favorite. IMO they are more beautiful than Cardinal Tetras. I know many people don't agree with me. But that is my preferance. :good:
I like neons better than cardinals. But it annoys me because they were sold to me as Neon Tetras, and I wanted neon tetras! lol. Does anybody know what younger neons look like? All of the fish I recieved (platies, silver tip tetras, black phantom tetras, the 'neons' and panda cories) were much smaller than adult size, and I couldn't sex any of the fish until they'd grown a bit, so that makes me think that the neons are just younger.
It sounds like selective breeded NeonTetra. I saw them first time at the one of the Asian connected local fish store. Maybe 2 years ago. They marked as "white neon". They were asking like $10/fish. I admired but couldn't afford. They were white more like pinkish color and almost no typical Neon red and blue except irridicent faint blue color on body and around the eyes when you see in certain angle.
And after that, I see them at the other American local fish store now and then pop up. Also the price came down quite bit. I think they were sold around $2.50 last time I saw. They usually marked as "albino Neon". Usually tank next to "albino Glowlight".
However, I believe they are not totally albino since they do have black eyes ublike albino Glowlight does have pink red eyes.
I believe they are selective breeded in S.Asia somewhere. Since they are always developing many strain. I know there are another Neon called "Diamond Neon" which they suppose to have more sparkles especially around top of the head.
I should get some after I set my big tank. Since Neon Tetras are my favorite. IMO they are more beautiful than Cardinal Tetras. I know many people don't agree with me. But that is my preferance. :good:


The Diamond Neon which you refered to is also know as Mercury Neon in Singapore. I owned 20 of them. But within 1yr they lost their spackle and mercury color and faded to silver color. These made me wonder if they are artificiately induced color which will not last? At the end of the days I still prefer Balloon Rams.

I like neons better than cardinals. But it annoys me because they were sold to me as Neon Tetras, and I wanted neon tetras! lol. Does anybody know what younger neons look like? All of the fish I recieved (platies, silver tip tetras, black phantom tetras, the 'neons' and panda cories) were much smaller than adult size, and I couldn't sex any of the fish until they'd grown a bit, so that makes me think that the neons are just younger.
You might misunderstood what I said. I am almost certain that your fish are Neon Tetras from what you describe. I would be more certain if you can post some picture of the fish. {But I believe they are the Neon Tetras.} They are just selectively bred or so call hybred. They are little different looking but they are Neons nontherless and they are pretty nice fish. And I think you might got some deal since they usually cost little more than the regular Neons. Young Neons are just like the miniture of adults, color and shape after about the month old. Around 1/2" they develop the neon red and blue. Before that happen, they are little brownish little fish. They sure transform in 1 day.
They would be lovely with regular Neons. You just have to make sure their each group doesn't have unbalanced numbers. I would incline to get more "White or Albino" than Regular Neons if I decide to mix together. And it should be nice school of 6 or more for the well being of fish. Of course, tank have to be big enough for support the school of fish. Since any fish, albino tend to be more fragile and tend to be picked on. That is why they are much less likely to survive in wild. And that is why I would not surprise if they disappear soon if you only get 1~3 only.

The Diamond Neon which you refered to is also know as Mercury Neon in Singapore. I owned 20 of them. But within 1yr they lost their spackle and mercury color and faded to silver color. These made me wonder if they are artificiately induced color which will not last? At the end of the days I still prefer Balloon Rams.


Ha, I didn't know that. Mercury Neon=Diamond Neon Not to mention the fading experience you had. I sure hope they didn't create them artificially. I know some breeders do many things to the fish, unfortunately. And no offence intended to anyone but the big Neon breeders in Asia is well know for that.
I know this would always bring up big debate. So I will not open the can of worms here.
From what you said in your first post, I know they aren't neons now. They are the size of full grown neons (or very close) and they don't have the same coloring. I have four and I have 6 normal neons, and for the most part they all school together. The fish look exactly like this, just with transparent fins. That's the only difference. I emailed teh site and they gave me a store credit for the tetras. So that's over with. But what kind of tetras do I have?
i would have to say gold neons mixed with some other whitish neons? from what i herd they are definatly neons. if it really bugs you take a picture and send it to liveaquaria.com and demand an andser.
Lol, they thought they were Colombian Tetras! Even after the pics. :rolleyes: Oh well, I guess I'll never find out. Thatnks for the help though. I mainly wanted to know if they were younger ones.

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