Juvenile Betta Is Fuzzy


Fish Crazy
Jul 20, 2014
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Some of you may have read my previous thread about my effort to save Stefan.  Unfortunately she passed, but as fate would have it, I was in petsmart picking up some food and there was a sickly female crowntail betta who looks similar to stefan.  At first I was adamant I couldn't handle it, but my fiance coaxed me into trying to save her.  I got her for $1.50.  

Tank size: 2.5 gallon hospital tank

ammonia: 0
nitrate: 5-10ppm
tank temp: 82

Fish Symptoms (include full description including lesion, color, location, fish behavior):
She seems to have a white fuzz growing all over her.  It is not specks like I have seen ich be described.  I am leaning towards fungal?
She also holds her body weird, like her back is arched almost.
She hangs out mostly at the bottom and yesterday was struggling to reach the top, but seems to have improved a bit, so that may be malnutrition/lack of energy.  However she hasn't eaten yet. 

Volume and Frequency of water changes: 75% daily

Chemical Additives or Media in your tank: I dosed with aquarium salt.

Tank inhabitants: Just the betta

Recent additions to your tank (living or decoration): None

Exposure to chemicals: Aquarium salt
The meds I have on hand are api fungus cure and api tetracycline.  I'm not sure how to proceed from here, whether to treat her or to let this ride out on clean water and some aquarium salt.  Any suggestions?
Start with the fungus clear. Do a water change first and remove any carbon. Follow the directions for the medication as supplied.
I have always used Maroxy by Mardel for fungal issues.
The one thing I would worry about here is the original cause. Usually it is some form of injury. And in such cases it is not uncommon for there to a bacterial issue at work as well. If I suspect this I often use Maracyn in combination as it is safe to do. Maracyn is basically Erythromycin. I just buy whichever of the two is cheaper at the time. Tetracycline is similar in usage to EM but it is not the same. I cannot say that it is either safe or unsafe to use in combination with Maroxy.
If the literature with each of your API meds does not specifically state they can be used together, I would call API and ask them (1 800 847-0659, 8am-5pm EST, M-F). In any case I would treat for the fungus right away.
Personally I would get a hold of an antibacterial medication to treat gram negative bacteria.  Most causes of fuzziness in bettas is columnaris which needs a good antibiotic to cure it. I personally recommend Kanamyacin but I get that online.  Kanaplex and Maracyn II are other gram negative antibacterial medications which might be easier to get a hold of from a store. 
Can you post a picture showing the fuzzy area?
Here are the best I could manage. I've left them big because it is hard to see otherwise.  One photo shows that it isn't overly noticeably until you look closely.

I used triple sulfa.worked a treat.that was for fin rot which started off as fuzz.
Any other comments? Thanks all for your help. 
Yeah I would definitely recommend getting a hold of some antibacterial medication.  Just make sure that it treats gram negative bacterial infections.

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