just wondering

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crazy betta lady 0.o
Mar 18, 2005
Reaction score
fort worth texas
in my 10 gallon i have 2 black mollies (full size) 3 4cm molly fry (i think) 3 cories 2 snails and 2 ottos ... can i put my lil cleo in there with them???? or will the mollies destroy her??? cause i want to move freckles to the 2.5 gallon
When I had one of my female Bettas in with my Mollies (one male Black, one female Marble, and one female Silver), the Silver Molly picked on her mercilessly, the Marble Molly pretended she didn't exist (except when the Betta flared at her to get her to go away), and the Black Molly tried to mate with her until she flared and postured him into going away. I found the female Betta after only a couple hours in a corner with the Silver Molly nipping at her. The female Betta was laying on the marbles and had given up trying to get away from the Molly. It was JUST that Silver Molly that picked on her, and, even though that particular Molly is quite dead now, I don't think I'll ever put my Bettas in with my Mollies again.
i would try it, people do have success with keeping female bettas in community tanks. mollys can get aggressive toward other aggressive fish because they dont like being bossed around but all fihs have differant personalitys. definately add her and see what happens, whats the worst that can happen :dunno:
Yeah my mollies pick on my apple snail mercilessly. Every time he opens his door and stichs his feelers out, the mollies nip at his soft flesh...
another question!! in my other 10 gallon i have 2 head and tail lights 2 lemon tetras 2 glass fish and 1 dojo!!! can i put my gurly in there??

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