just wondering


Fish Crazy
Jul 5, 2004
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1. I have a neon tetra, and I was wondering what kind of water I should use to clean the gravel. I haven't cleaned it yet and I'm also planning to add a new fake plant. Any tips? I bought the neon within the last 2 months.

2. Can female bettas be with other fish?

3. Are tetras comfortable alone or do they like being with other tetras? or other fish
tetras as a rule are shoaling fish. A group of 6 or more is recomended. I take it your tank is already set up if you have a neon tetra and my answer in that case is you don't clean your gravel out of the water, the best way to do it is using a syphon and do it when you do a water change. can I ask you how big your setup is and what sort of filteration you have?
Okay its .94 gallon capacity, and it says *Dimensions: 10.125" L x 7" D x 9.875" H (25.7 cm L x 17.7 cm D x 25 cm H)*
There is an Undergravel filter system which includes a bottom plate, air stone, riser tube, and air line tubing, with a pump.
Okay, well in order to cleanyour gravel I would definately invest in a syphon tube with a gravel cleaner atachemnt. UG filters can get clogged over time and to avoid having to strip them right down to clean them do a water change every 1-2 weeks and clean it with this gravel cleaner. it can leave a bit of a mess after you've done it butthe water soon clears up. anything that the gravel cleaner doesn't pick up you can scoop out with a fine meshed net whilst its floating around the tank after cleaning.

some species of betta will be fine in this sized tank, it is usually the males that will fight amoungst them selves (the siamese fighting fish being a prime example) As for the neon, that's a tricky one. You may get away with adding a few more but they are fairly active fish for their size and your tank limits you to exactly what you can have (eq. small fish that aren't too active!)

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