Just Wondering,..

My 10 yellow platy fry are fat, greedy and cute as ever. they sure do grow fast!
Just scammed my LFS off :D

I Brought 5 guppys for £3

and 3 of them i like the most :D

2 red guppys ( nice tails)

1 Black guppy ( black tail )

When i saw the black one my instant recation was NICE GET IT!!
Its really nice to have a thread where everyone can share their recent experiences with their livebearers :good:

I had a small drop in my community tank yesterday from one of my guppies, I think about 20fry, but there may be more, I've added lots of clumps of java moss for the fry & they disappear in there.

Today I have seperated one of my female guppies, she is the one I am hoping to selectively breed from, not sure what will result from this drop, time will tell.

I've also set up a small tank for my balloon molly, she is looking very heavy, but they are so oddly shaped its difficult to tell, so she is now in a little tank on her own until she drops.

Also was surprised when I did a water change in my dwarf mosquito fish tank this week, I thought I had about 5 babies in there, but theres so many, at least 12 & very cute.
Are those "dwarf mosquito fish" the Heterandria formosa? I have seen them called "least killies" too, although they are not killies at all. I really love mine but their fry can be really hard to find.
They are the Heterandria Formosa, here is one of my ladies:

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