Just Wondering,..


Fish Addict
Feb 23, 2009
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Hey, I haven't been on in a couple days, so I was wanted to see how everyone's fish are doing?
Has anyone's fish had babies? Mine haven't, my endlers are still pregnant, but my molly fry are 2 months old now, so for next week I'm thinking about putting them in the community tank (just make sure that sickness is gone) I haven't had any casualties in a week or two, so I think it's good, but you never know, so I just want to make sure. :crazy:

I'd love you hear how everyone's fish are!
hi i have 30 molly fry who are fine but ive just realised ive done water chages with nitrate treater and not decholrinator!!! they are happy and healthy tho....odd. but treating their water asap.

ive just found decholrinator, shud ii add now or in the morn?

their 1cm and bigger and only 5days old!
I think my Xenoophorus Captivus is about to drop fry again. She is quite a productive female. My rainbow cichlids are starting their breeding dance again and turning half black, the bottom half, so I may have some fry hatching in a few days. If I can get a couple of dozen fry into a grow out tank, I will be selling the adult breeders. Proven breeders always sell better than random pairs and I have had enough of them in my tanks. The fry sell well too, when they get to about an inch long. That will be just in time for the spring auction so I will raise them for that purpose. I just lost in an auction on aquabid so not happy at the moment. They had some Xiphophorus montezumae juveniles with location information on the parents but the price outran my ability to bid higher fast enough. They were being offered as a fund raiser by the club that will be hosting the livebearer convention next year so they would be worth bidding on even if I wasn't looking for them. I bid 3 times in the last minute but not fast enough the last time. Who knows, my bid might have won if it had gone in quick enough.
I would add the dechlorinater now, just to be on the safe side :good:
Add the dechlorinator to two tanks right now. The fry tank needs it along with the tank where you have been borrowing water for the rest of the changes.
Oh, sorry to hear that oldman, good luck with your Xenoophorus Captivus and the Cichlids! You'll have to let me know it goes! :)

To Oldman, I just checked pictures on google of the xenoophorus captivus! They are gorgious fish!
Silly question, (as I don't know a lot about fish)
but are they egg-layers or livebearers? By the way you said it I'm guessing their livebearers? How many fry do they usually have?
phew, its all added (and without waking the family!) all babies are alive, healthy and really fat with thei last feed!

i owe my life to you old man! u 2 TheSims3Dude :D

btw the dechlorinator is nutrafin Aqua plus

i added it into their tank filter currents, this will spread it right?
Yepp, that'll spread it!
I usually get a bucket filled with tap water, then add the dechlorinator, wait 5 minutes or so, then add it to the tank, (it does the same thing),
Hi there

Glad your fry are doing well :good:

I've had 2 guppy drops and platy drop and found one cory egg and sold platy juvis all in the past week,so it has been busy :lol:
Wow, lol, I haven't checked on my endlers this morning yet, so I shall check right now and see if they gave birth! :good:
Well, my Guppy and Tetra died within a day of each other due to lock jaw. :(

But my bettas are doing well! :) Sparkle has grown and has started flaring! :D

Oh, and i found 4 bunches of Pest Snail Eggs on my java fern which i removed. First time i have seen snail eggs.
Well, my Guppy and Tetra died within a day of each other due to lock jaw. :(

But my bettas are doing well! :) Sparkle has grown and has started flaring! :D

Oh, and i found 4 bunches of Pest Snail Eggs on my java fern which i removed. First time i have seen snail eggs.

they are annoying

i brougjht some clown loach's to eat them..

i'll edmit they did a mighty fine job!

butwhne we sold them more snails arrived =[
... good luck with your Xenoophorus Captivus and the Cichlids! You'll have to let me know it goes! :)EDIT:To Oldman, I just checked pictures on google of the xenoophorus captivus! They are gorgious fish!Silly question, (as I don't know a lot about fish)but are they egg-layers or livebearers? By the way you said it I'm guessing their livebearers? How many fry do they usually have?
The X captivus are livebearers and are part of the group known as goodeids. They have a long gestation compared to the more common poeciliids at almost 60 days. (Mollies, guppies, platies, swordtails and endlers, to name just a few, are poeciliids.) Unlike the tropical poeciliids, most of them are semi-tropical in their needs and I do not use a heater with them. Drops of fry are fairly small because the fry are so big. Typical goodeids run close to 2 cm at birth. The fry have a thing much like an umbilical cord that gives them nutrients while being carried by the female. It drops off the fry within the first day or less. Another difference to common livebearers is that the females do not carry any sperm packets so they must mate each time they are going to carry fry. Yet another difference between goodeids and the poeciliids is how you sex the adults. Instead of a gonopodium, the males sport an andropodium. It looks like there is a split in the anal fin where the front part is shorter and partly separated from the rest of the anal fin rather than sporting a long thin gonopodium in place of an anal fin. The split look to the male is a reason that another common name for them is splitfins.
This is a male goodeid, a Xenotoca eiseni male

This is the Xenotoca female

Unfortunately I don't have any good closeups of the Xenoophorus but the same fin shapes would help you sex them.
Thanks Oldman! Those are really neat fish! and I learned something new too! :D

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