just wonderin

the gates of hell will open, signaling the end of the world as we know it...is it worth the risk?

CT gene is very dominant and you'd end up with mainly crowns,possibly some combtails.

lol bkk :p
From what I read here:


.... that should be okay. It would seem that double tails should not be bred with deouble tails. So I guess you would best breed them with HM or Delta's.

Double Tail: This tail type is a very beautiful one, where the caudal fin is split in the middle, producing two caudal peduncles and what are referred to as tail lobes (fins). A true Double Tail should have an even split right to the body and have two caudal peduncles. The dorsal fin on a Double Tail is extended. Breeding Double Tails to Double Tails is a very risky cross, as this will produce fish with spinal deformities and short bodies due to the twin caudal peduncles. This tail type can sometimes be seen in combination with any of the Delta Tails and Half Moon bettas.

Wait for a second opinion though. Am a newbie.

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