I have a planted 30G with 2 gold corys, 4 bronze corys, 1 panda(survivor of a holiday when I trusted someone to feed the fish, learnt my lesson!), 3 oto's & 6 bronze babies who are now 2 months old.
I know cories don't add much to the bioload so the 1" guidline is a bit flexible but was wondering by how much. You see at the mo the tank is ok, but in the long run it's overstocked with the bronze babies, I really don't wanna have to get rid of them because I don't think I could trust anyone enough to let them have them lol. So is it possible for me to keep them all togther as they all seem very happy in there, even the panda seems happy. The tank is a tiny bit overfiltered with 2 fluval 2's, I change roughly 20% of the water twice a week the nitrites and ammonia are always 0 and the nitrates are always 5 or under. So what does everyone think, would they all be ok? Ideally I'd like to up the oto & panda numbers so they feel more secure but not sure this is possible without getting rid of the bronze babies.
I know cories don't add much to the bioload so the 1" guidline is a bit flexible but was wondering by how much. You see at the mo the tank is ok, but in the long run it's overstocked with the bronze babies, I really don't wanna have to get rid of them because I don't think I could trust anyone enough to let them have them lol. So is it possible for me to keep them all togther as they all seem very happy in there, even the panda seems happy. The tank is a tiny bit overfiltered with 2 fluval 2's, I change roughly 20% of the water twice a week the nitrites and ammonia are always 0 and the nitrates are always 5 or under. So what does everyone think, would they all be ok? Ideally I'd like to up the oto & panda numbers so they feel more secure but not sure this is possible without getting rid of the bronze babies.