This from Aquarium Glaser. This is reminiscent of the taxonomic rumpus that occurred a few years back when three Symphysodon (Discus) revisions, each disagreeing with substantial parts of the other, were published bang, bang, bang. Here's Glaser:
"As was to be expected and predicted by us, the break-up of the large new genera Brochis and Hoplisoma has already begun. Most recently (November 26, 2024), the new armored catfish genus Urkumayu was established for U. gladysae, U. micracanthus and U. petracinii (Alonso et al.). None of the three species play a role in the hobby. At the same time, a new species of armored catfish from the immediate relationship of the oldest of all aquarium armored catfish, the marbled armored catfish Hoplisoma paleatus, was newly described: Hoplisoma osvaldoi. The authors of the study write the genus name Hoplisoma for the paleatus group in quotation marks and make clear that these armored catfish do not belong to Hoplisoma. In the molecular biological analysis that they include in their paper, the three emerald armored catfishes again form a phylogenetic unit. However, as Alonso et al. focused their study on armored catfishes from the southern part of South America, they have refrained from formally establishing a new genus for the paleatus group, but it is only a matter of time before this happens."
"As was to be expected and predicted by us, the break-up of the large new genera Brochis and Hoplisoma has already begun. Most recently (November 26, 2024), the new armored catfish genus Urkumayu was established for U. gladysae, U. micracanthus and U. petracinii (Alonso et al.). None of the three species play a role in the hobby. At the same time, a new species of armored catfish from the immediate relationship of the oldest of all aquarium armored catfish, the marbled armored catfish Hoplisoma paleatus, was newly described: Hoplisoma osvaldoi. The authors of the study write the genus name Hoplisoma for the paleatus group in quotation marks and make clear that these armored catfish do not belong to Hoplisoma. In the molecular biological analysis that they include in their paper, the three emerald armored catfishes again form a phylogenetic unit. However, as Alonso et al. focused their study on armored catfishes from the southern part of South America, they have refrained from formally establishing a new genus for the paleatus group, but it is only a matter of time before this happens."
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