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Just want to comfirm 100% sure that doubletail cross doubletail will get 100% offspring doubletail. :) I think I got 100 over babies and all doubletail. I just transfer them to another big bucket with the daddy too so he can keep baby seating his kids. If I got 10 perfect balance double lobe tail, I am very happy. So far they looks good like normal swimming frys. :thumbs:
Awesome, this is great news. After June I plan on doing two DT to DT spawns :thumbs:
:cool: LET us know if you have any deformed then and see if the dtxdt is myth or fact............ :rofl: :rofl:
You know what is my thought earlier is? I thought I can get 4 tails in each of the babies!!! Hahahaha Like a submarine. LOL More balance like propeller spinning. LOL :lol: :lol: :lol: But the off-spring only have doubletail. LOL :lol: :lol: :lol:
:lol: :lol:
Funny but even funnier because I JUST thought a very similar thought a minute ago :p
They looks pretty good just like I used to have a doubletail fullmoon turquoise tsunami baby that I gave it to Sundusky. They swim just like normal babies and I can see the double lobes very clear and fine. The body shape are pretty clear that they are nice balance like ordinary babies. We will see how it looks like when they get big. Oh yeah, the doubletail pair is the same sibling as what the thailand breeder (boontiang) has told me. He said that it will be no problems to breed them so I take his words. So far all the babies looks fine. Now Kelly!!! Breed your doubletail with doubletail! Your turn!! LOL :lol: :lol:
Were the parents related? I heard that the fry would turn out ok as long as the DT parents are no related. Your spawn could prove if that one is true, or false.

I have been conditioning 2 of my non related DT's Male is a kind of Chocolate/Green Metalic MG. The Female is a nice clean yellow. Not as yellow as this---> ;), but the yellow on the male actually looks like mustard. I figured it might balance out nicely in the fry.
The pair is the same sibling as what Boontiang, the Thailand breed had told me. I just put up a few questions at betterbettas@yohoo.com about the kink tail since it might related to the doubletail.
Phil reply so far. Here is I copy and paste as what he wrote. It seems like he is keep breeding down the generation like sibling.

Please define "kink" and "bend spin near the tail". With DTs the spine has split into two different tails. However, some DTs have a crooked spine. This is best seen from above and also should be visible from the side.  These bettas are culled when noticed.  To have a good average, (90%), of no spinal deformities it requires selectively culling and spawning for about 10 generations. That is if you start from scratch or just one or two generations with the pair. I just had my last three DT spawns in the past two weeks. I have been able to get very good averages in my spawns, 90%,  but then I have been breeding bettas for awhile.  When they get bigger, the DTs will say hello to the HMs.
Olde Dragon Phil

----- Original Message -----
From: Frankie Yeevia
To: BetterBettas@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Wednesday, May 25, 2005 1:47 PM
Subject: [BetterBettas] Question about KINK at the betta tail.

I did found out some of my babies betta got bend spin near the tail so I culling
them as I can. Then I was brousing at IBC and I saw a picture showing a betta
has the same like mine so then I know it is a kink at his tail.
Today I received my bettas package from aquabid that I won and there are
two freebies. One has a kink on it. Here is a few questions
1) How is this kink happened? Do they just kink because of the parent genetic
has it? Or do you think because of bacteria attack while they were babies? Or
because the water are bad while raising the babies?
2) What if I am using the kink male betta breed another kink female, will the
offspring going to have all kink tail?
3) How much it hurt in a competition if a betta has a kink but only can visual
from the top view rather than side view?
Oh yes, doubletail breed doubletail will give out 100% doubletail babies.
Thanks for the informations last time you members giving last time. They looks
good and promissing so far. :) I got at least 100 over babies in there. Some
looks good balance lobe tail. If I got 10 perfect, I will be happy.:) Oh yes, they
are red butterfly fullmoon doubletail parent if you like to know.:)
Frankie Yeevia
ManyFISH4Me said:
I have been conditioning 2 of my non related DT's Male is a kind of Chocolate/Green Metalic MG. The Female is a nice clean yellow. Not as yellow as this---> ;), but the yellow on the male actually looks like mustard. I figured it might balance out nicely in the fry.
Breed it and lets do the experiment! You might get cleaner masturd offspring. That is my thought but prove is the best. :)
I tried to breed mine just like you but the female don't want to co-operate with the male. I have a beautiful doubletail green chocolate MG fullmoon and I was planning to breed with my tsunami doubletail since she got MG from the mother. I heard that someone breed my tsunami's pair and got a lot of yellow offspring. Wouu!!! Who got my tsunami pair, breed it! :) Newfishes. You turned! I am planning to breed my second Tsunami F2 now. :lol: Pairing now. LOL :lol:

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