Just Wanted To Intoduce Myself


New Member
Feb 18, 2006
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Hi, my name is i have one betta, i just wanted to introduce myself and get to know everyone else.
about me: i live in cali, i actually have 2 bettas, one pet store betta (bender) and a dt i just received today from snyirr. i have a dog, Zoe, and thats about it. id love to give you pictures, but, i dont have a camera and i tried taking some with my phone and they didn't come out so good.

so... you know who i am, tell me who you are... what is your favorite color betta, your favorite type, your feeding preferences, how many bettas you have, and anything else you would like to share (photos, tips, anything)! OH, also, your favorite betta name!(i don't know what to name my new betta)

i am totally green to this betta stuff. seriously, i did not know that there was more then just the bettas you get at the pet store, until a friend opened my eyes, so to say...
Favorite color is metallic blue, black, or opaque white. Favorite tail type is PK and DT. I like feeding Hikari, live, and frozen food.

Well, here you'll get all the help you need.
I'm James.
I have recently bought one betta (Fable) He is only a pet shop buy so is just classic VT.

Not a great picture of him but camera battery's are flat.

My favourite colouring is red&White and my favourite tails are CT and HM
I feed mine betta pro, Bloodworn & Micro worm.

Fable lives in a 5Gal lighted tank and is really lively!.

Tip: If you have a struggle reducing the current in your tank put a pair of tights holding a spong over the air/water flow.
If you don't know how to make him flare already just put a mirror up the side of the tank!/

I have only had hoim for about a month and he is my only betta so i am still learning just like you!

EDIT: Resized Picture
I like opaque/platinum bettas best, and my favourite tails are halfmoon/super delta.

But any betta that's cute (widdle betta there lookin cute) or sexy (huge beautiful perfect fins and a shiny bright colour) is pretty to me. I like most bettas, just not marbles very much, and teal is a very boring colour to me unless they have fantastic fins. I also don't like butterflies with clear fin edging - white or any other colour is okay, but clear looks.... unhealthy or something. :S
Hello, my name is BooBoo Puppy. Welcome to the world of bettas and to the forum. You'll find lots of great help here.

A year ago I didn't have any bettas. I now have 11 bettas. I'm still looking for a black halfmoon because that's my favorite color of betta. :wub: I feed my bettas Hikari pellets and frozen blood worms.

The girls are in my 40 gallon community tank with corys, otos, and rasbora harlequins. The boys are in tanks ranging from 1 to 10 gallons each. The tanks all have silk plants and caves of some sort. Some of them are heated and filtered, and some of them are not. For the ones not filtered I change the water weekly.

These are my fish: George, red veil tail (my first betta); 2 plakats from Wuv (Porsche and Mustang, both red/orange); 5 female plakats from Synirr (red/green; red/blue; light red; red; red); Mercedes, blue female, delta?; Challenger (white with blue/purple/burgundy veil tail).

My adult children think I am possessed. :hey:

<edited for spelling because I haven't had my coffee yet>
Welcome to the forum! LOADS of good info here. I have 3 PET STORE bettas and I just love each and every one. I just recently took in one that got ripped up by other fish at the store and I'm just crazy about him. It doesn't matter that he's not high-priced, he's a little life who needed my help. I can get the fancier ones later on maybe. I have 2 rescue cats too. I got one from a shelter and one found me next door to my mom's house. Her neighbor and I were talking about how much we love cats and she said "gee, I wish I had a little cat". We heard this pitiful little meeeooowww outside the door and there was my next cat starved and dehydrated. Since then, I've tamed Willie Jean down quite a bit, leash trained her and she loves to go out and do errands with me. So much for high-priced pets! I bet $400 cats can't or won't do that!!
Hope you learn alot on the forum here cuz I sure have. We can only benefit from hearing others' experiences!!

Edit: betta names ---Little Chen, Mr Wu, and Finn Kitties--Willie Jean and Mo, named after a Cambodian lady I was fond of years ago
Hi, my name is Synirr, and I'm a bettaholic :look:
Hi I'm Sev.

I have 5 bettas: King (Blue/red vt), Prince(Blue/red vt), Pisces(red/blue/white butterfly delta), Colorado(Red and white butterfly delta), and Scarlett (red cambodian female).

My favorite color in a betta is....well...I can't really pick. I like any color combo that looks interesting to me (sometimes dubbed "ugly" by others.) My favorite color pattern is cambodian or butterfly. My favorite type of betta is Delta/halfmoon tailed (crowntails freak me out a bit). I feed my babies hikari gold pellets, omega one flakes, freeze dried bloodworms, and yummy yummy mosquito larvae. :lol:

When I named my last bettas I went to a baby names site and looked up their colors/characteristics in the "look up names by meaning" part of the site. It really helps :p
Hi im danny,

im relatively new to it my self...i thought i knew about bettas...but the guys/gals on this site really know their stuff!! you cant go wrong.

my fave have to be plackats....bettas in their most natural form! im for darker colours...blacks and reds! but show me any betta and i guarantee you i'll like it!

They are so addictive!

Have fun... :D :D :D


p.s. check this post out..wuv provided the ultimate link for betta names...
betta names??
Well i am Graham I dont have any Bettas yet but will soon have 7 :rolleyes:
I also have 2 horses
1 Dalmatian
1 Kitten
2 African Greys
loads of Reptiles and Amphibians

and i am part of Chinchilla Rescue
I'm Neal, and I have one male betta VT who is blue, welcome to the forum! I keep mine in a 2.5 gallon tank heavily silk planted and he loves it. My big tip is buy silk plants, bettas love them!

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