just to make sure

Mr F.ishy

New Member
Aug 23, 2003
Reaction score
staffordshire, uk
a few weeks ago i lost 8 fish, since then ive been changing the water and testing it, im not doing any more water changes because i think my water is fine, here are my results:

nitrate : 5 (well couldnt really tell, was about 3 or 5, only a tint of pink)
ph : 7 - 7.4
ammonia : 0
water temp: 26c/74f

is it safe to buy more fish with them results?? because i dont want to buy more fish just for them to die again :(

any help will be great thanks :)
Hi Mr F.ishy,

You probably did the right thing with lots of regular water changes. Just one question - have you been testing for nitrite too? This is also toxic to fish and can cause death.

Also, if you could give us a quick summary of the setup of your tank - size/volume, what fish you have in it currently - then we'll be better able to answer your question without leading you astray!
i tested the nitrate about 20 mins ago and got the reading 5. My tank is 10 gallons, ive got a tiger barb, shark fish and a cat fish, ive got a selection of real and plastic plants. the filter, pump and heater are about 3 months old
Mr F.ishy said:
i tested the nitrate about 20 mins ago and got the reading 5. My tank is 10 gallons, ive got a tiger barb, shark fish and a cat fish, ive got a selection of real and plastic plants. the filter, pump and heater are about 3 months old
There's no need to shout!!! :lol:

Seriously though ;) , I was asking about nitrite , rather than nitrate . Nitrate isn't deadly to your fish (except in massive doses), nitrite is. Once your tank has cycled you shouldn't really get high nitrite levels.

Hope this helps :thumbs:
lol, my text has a mind of its own :lol: :lol:

im goin away for a week tommorow, shall i just get a normal week feeding block that sinks, my tiger barb hardly eats anything and my shark fish just eats the plants, but i better get food just incase, right? ;)
:lol: The gremlins are taking over the forum!

When I went away for a week I got a food block like you say, it worked fine for me but I have read others saying that they can muck up your water parameters. Apparently fish are more than capable of going a week without food, so you may want to consider just leaving them. I didn't dare do this however! If you do get a food block, make sure you do a water change when you get back.
ive left the fish for a week before just with a food block, when i got back there was a layer of white on the water surface, the water was a total mess, it was clear before i put the food block in, i dont really like the idea of putting a weeks worth of food in a tank at the same time lol :no: oh well they gotta eat too. i wonder if my fish enjoy beer :beer: lol (joke :D ) :lol:
Gouramis are cool characters.. i love how they breathe from the surface :) Very hardy critters too.. With a tank full of ich, he was the only one untouched!
why did i buy the gouramis?? :/ they are gay, they just hide all day then only come out at night when the lights are off :grr: im givin them the 1 way ticket to fishy heaven :)
Mr F.ishy said:
im givin them the 1 way ticket to fishy heaven :)
fishy heaven meaning going back to your lfs, i hope? :eek:

perhaps they're just settling in?! :look:
i dont know, ive had a tiger barb that still hides and ive had it for 4 months, i hate fish i cant see, i -_- fishy toilet heaven rocks!!! :thumbs:
get your tiger barbs some buddies, tigers are schooling fish, he needs to be part of a school of 6 to8 other tiger barbs.

please don't flush your fish, for many reasons. namely, its cruel and totally unnecesary. take them back to your lfs. then do some research on more active fish and get them instead.

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