Just Thouhgt I'd Share Something Neat


Fish Fanatic
Jan 20, 2007
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I've had 3 corys for about a year now,and a Readtail "shark" for about 8 months.They live in a 55 gallon planted tank. At first the just completely ignored one another.
Last month i noticed something a bit odd.......My corys fallow the redtail everywhere,and when they stop,the redtail fallows them.They even share a rock cave when they are hidding,even tho the redtail defends this rock cave teritory vicously against all other tankmates he lets them enter and when they are out and about he even seams to chase off anyfish that come near them.... I couldn't get any clear pics of them becasue they are constantly on the move when they are in a pack,but i'll keep trying and when i get them hanging out togehter i'll post up a pic so you can see how cute it is :good:

oow,i just noticed that i may have posted this in the wrong place...maybe tropicla chitchat would have been more approprate.......sorry board mods!
Your post on the Cories is welcome. Thanks for posting it. What kind of Cories do you have?
bronze corys,they are full grown (about 1.5 inches),while the redtail is alomst 5 inches...makes for an odd group,but they love eachother! :)
HOw cute.

It sounds like everyone is having a ball in your tank.

My poor albino cory died this afternoon. :rip:
On the topic of C. aeneus growing, I have learned the Albinos seem to grow a lot faster then the bronze. Anyone else noticed this?

EDIT: Thats cool about the RTBS and the cories getting along. The shark is kinda like their body gaurd :lol:
On the topic of C. aeneus growing, I have learned the Albinos seem to grow a lot faster then the bronze. Anyone else noticed this?

EDIT: Thats cool about the RTBS and the cories getting along. The shark is kinda like their body gaurd :lol:

My albino C. aeneus get from Petsmart was little and yes, it is grow very fast but nos sure is faster than Bronze. I never keep track of them but I have seen abino get larger quick.
hmmm,I have ahd them for ahwile,and they aren't getting any bigger so I just assumed they were fullgrown! *hides*

Too bad about your corie dieing Rhiannon. :(
Of course, I suppose it is possible that they are some kind of dwarfs. Are you sure they are aeneus? Sterbai seem a little smaller.
OK,i got a few good pics,but i'm haveing trouble re-sizeing them and all. I've got a freind comeing over tonight that may be able to help me understand the proseces of makeing the pictures of a decent size,and getting the file it's self small enough to have a decent load time (currently 1mb!).So,i'll have some pics up late tonight or tomorrow. :)

Update: Ok,so my freind is as ignorant about the whole digital photo thing as I am.....so I just chucked a few of the pics on this web album.......I'll get more and better ones up soon.

Very nice tank. Great moss! Cute Cory but I can't commit myself to trying to id it. The sheen on the gill plate makes me think pepper Cory..
There was one full shot of an albino that I saw???? Look again. ;) --the second picture "a good clear pic of my little buddy"

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