I currently have a 10g and a 5g tank.The 10g has my 1 calico fantail and a few ghost shrimp.The 5g has a few neon tetras,a guppy,an ADF and a couple of ghost shrimp.I also have a couple of bettas,one in a 1g aquarium and one in a large bowl.I have a 55g tank on layaway,which will need to be cycled.
I am probably going to make the 55g a cold water habitat for just a very few fantails and maybe some sort of algea eater or other cleaner type fish.That will free up the 10g for other fish.I might move the guppy and/or the tetras.One or both of the bettas might get moved if I can work out compatibility.I am open to any ideas or suggestions.I am also looking at decor for the 55g.I'm kind of partial to dark gravel and natural looking ornaments.I might like to try plants if any would do well in the cooler water.Again,suggestions are welcome.I know it will be a while before I am adding fish,but I will enjoy planning and dreaming.
I am probably going to make the 55g a cold water habitat for just a very few fantails and maybe some sort of algea eater or other cleaner type fish.That will free up the 10g for other fish.I might move the guppy and/or the tetras.One or both of the bettas might get moved if I can work out compatibility.I am open to any ideas or suggestions.I am also looking at decor for the 55g.I'm kind of partial to dark gravel and natural looking ornaments.I might like to try plants if any would do well in the cooler water.Again,suggestions are welcome.I know it will be a while before I am adding fish,but I will enjoy planning and dreaming.