Just Thinkg Ahead......


New Member
Mar 27, 2007
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I just finished setting up my 10 gallon planted tank and was thinking ahead to what type of dwarf cichild to put in it when the plants fill out.I like blue rams,but have kept them before,maybe gold rams for good color contrast.I also like the cockatoo's,reds,dbl reds,orange,blk stripe.any suggestions or advice is welcome.I have also read conflicting info on tank size requirement on pretty much all of these fish and then some so if anyone could help me clear up the confusion I would forever be in your debt. :good:
i wouldn't put any of those in a 10g tank, sorry.

something like cockatoo's is gonna need 15-20g minimum and the rams a little bigger still IMO.
How about someone with an established 4 gallon breeder that is waiting to be stocked.

Well not exactly true. I have about 16 varying species of shrimp in my tank and some flying foxes. The tank is heavily planted with lots of homemade caves.

What I would like to do is raise and breed some Apisto's, and I was thinking of either Borelli's, Panduro, Viejita, trifasciata or Cacautoides.

I know, a lot to choose from, but hoping for input from people who have had these fish!!!

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